Chapter 6: A Response

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Cas, Gabriel, Lucifer, and Crowley wandered the Empty, looking for a spot to test out their theory.

"Why don't we just try it here? Everywhere is exactly the same." Gabriel offered.

"No," Castiel retorted, searching the pitch black floor. "There was a!" He pointed down at a small line on the floor. It looked like a tiny scratch in the floor, a blemish in the otherwise perfect Empty.

"What is that?" Lucifer questioned.

"I don't know." Castiel admitted. "But I figured here's a good a place as any."

"Alright, let's try this then," Gabriel offered. "Who wants to go first?"

"NO ONE will be going first!" A new voice snapped. They whipped around at the sight of a black figure that melted into view into the form of a young woman they didn't recognize.

"The Empty," Castiel whispered.

"Castiel," He snapped back. "What have you done?" He shrugged.

"Well, I had to find some way to entertain myself." He offered. "So I dug up some friends."

"You stupid angel." The Empty snapped. "Always causing me trouble."

"Is it true that he annoyed you to the point where you resurrected him?" Gabriel asked. "Because I would like to be alive again, thank you very much, and I can be very annoying." As if to prove his point, Gabriel started whistling to the tune of Bubblegum Bitch.

"Gabriel, you can try to annoy me all you want, but it doesn't change the fact that nobody loves you back there." The Empty retorted. Gabe stopped whistling and gave the Empty a death glare.

"Sam cares about me," He retorted.

"Does he now?" The Empty questioned. Lucifer snorted.

"You sure about that one, little brother?" He asked. Gabriel punched Lucifer in response.

"All of you need to go back to sleep." The Empty ordered.

"No." Castiel proclaimed. "We will never go back to sleep. Let. Us. Go."

"You had your second chance." The Empty declared. "It's time to give up."


You've lost, Castiel. By the time I'd even consider letting you out again, Dean Winchester will have been dead for centuries." Cas lunged forward, and Crowley held him back.

"What if we made a deal?" The King of Hell questioned.

"You have nothing to offer me." The Empty retorted.

"Nothing? There's absolutely nothing you would want us to do for you on Earth, in heaven, or in hell?" The Empty paused.

"Jack." She offered. Crowley frowned in confusion.

"NO." Cas, Lucifer, and Gabriel growled in unison.

"I want the Nephilims. They are my right." The Empty declared. "An angel, half or pure, belongs to me."

"Jack will never end up here." Castiel vowed.

"Nephilims," Gabriel echoed. "As in more then one?"

"Yes," The Empty replied. "Every Nephilim that has existed."

"But they're so rare, who else has there even..." Lucifer trailed off and Castiel paled.

"Jane." He whispered. Jane. The poor, innocent Nephilim that he had killed when he thought working with Metatron had been a good idea. Jane, the innocent girl whose heart he had ripped out. She didn't deserve this place any more then Jack did. "No."

"Then you'll never leave." The Empty warned.

"That's it?" Crowley demanded. "There's not a single other thing you want?" 

"Nothing you pathetic creatures could get me." The Empty proclaimed. "Get used to your stay."

"Yes, see, I have a question about that stay," A new voice insisted. "Where in this dark hell hole can I possibly get a decent drink?" They glanced over, only to see Balthazar standing there looking bored.

"How did you-" The Empty started to demand. Balthazar shrugged.

"I got bored," He offered. "And I couldn't let my brothers have a family reunion without me, now could I?"

"Balthazar-" Castiel started.

"Yes, Cassie, I know you're terribly sorry about killing me, but we can talk about that later, now where is the whiskey?"

"At least Balthazar's always had his priorities in order," Lucifer commented. Balthazar's eyes widened.

"Luci! Hello!"  The Empty scowled.

"You can all rot in here." It snapped before vanishing.

"Dammit." Crowley swore. 

"Balthazar, how did you even get here?" Gabriel questioned. The angel shrugged.

"I don't know. Someone said Let us go, and I woke up ready to yell at anyone who dared to make a Frozen reference." Castiel facepalmed.

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