Chapter 13: Try, Try Again

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Dean didn't come out of his room the next day. At all.

Sam tried to coax him out. As did Mary and Jack, but none of them could persuade the hunter. He just remained locked up in his room, alone. 

"I hope he's alright," Mary frowned at the locked door.

"He'll be fine," Sam said optimistically. Dean just needed time. He always came back around. They left a pie in front of his door, and moved on with their days, figuring it was all they could do for the hunter right now.

On the other side of the door, Dean laid on his bed, headphones on, staring at his phone. Seeing as no classic rock song could improve his mood in the slightest, Dean had voted to wallow in his sorrows. At least for today.

There was a video on his phone with Cas in it. A rare, happy video, and Dean couldn't seem to stop watching it, stupid as it was.

"Angel what are you doing?" Dean's voice called out, but the camera was focused on Cas, who was watching the screen in confusion.

"There's a red button on the camera and it's counting- wait, Dean! Why is it counting?" 

"You're recording, Cas."

"I didn't want to do that!" Dean laughed and entered the frame, grinning. 

"You're ridiculous," He declared, wrapping an arm around the angel. "You just hit that button and it'll stop."

"Which button, that one?"

"No, that one."

"Oooooh, okay." Cas turned and pulled Dean in for a kiss, both of them smiling.

"What was that for?"

"Now you have it on video," Cas explained, hitting the button and ending the clip.

Dean turned his phone off and buried his face in his pillow. It wasn't fair. Cas had done no wrong, and yet he had to suffer for it. Where was the justice in that?

It just wasn't fair.


Angel radio had been turned on, and it hummed through Castiel's mind until a voice cut through.

"Yo, Cassie, where you at?" Castiel grinned.

"Gabriel," He whispered.

"Who?" Benny asked.

"Gabriel," Cas repeated, replying to angel radio and sending them an image of his location. "My brother."

"Is he a good one or a bad one?" 

"Good." Cas nodded. "Gabriel is good." As if on cue, Gabriel, Balthazar, Crowley, Lucifer, and Anna popped up in the clearing, causing Benny to jump.

"Who's this?" Lucifer asked warily.

"This is Benny," Cas offered. "Old friend. Benny, this is Crowley, and the rest are my siblings." He stopped at the sight of Anna. "What is she doing here?"

"We needed another angel to help open the door," Gabriel explained. "She was the first one who came to mind." Castiel scowled and Lucifer cackled slightly.

"I'm really going to need an explanation for the bad blood between you two." Balthazar declared. "And how Cassie knows a cute vampire." Benny raised an eyebrow and Balthazar winked at him.

"Now is not the time to be a whore, Balthazar," Lucifer commented. "What is this place?"

"Purgatory." Castiel explained. "I've been here before." Balthazar paused.

"Are they still upset about the whole souls stealing thing down here?" He whispered. Cas nodded.

"Definitely." Balthazar made a face.

"We should get out of here."

"How?" Anna questioned. 

"There's a door to hell we can use," Castiel explained. "We get through that, Crowley can go reclaim his throne, the rest of you can go back up to heaven or do whatever you want. Well, except for Lucifer, we don't trust you." Benny's eyes widened and Lucifer held up his hands innocently.

"I have done no wrong," He began. The others glared at him.

"You KILLED ME." Cas reminded him.

"You had me imprisoned and TORTURED." Gabriel went on.

"The Apocalypse is ringing a few bells," Balthazar offered.

"How about we ask Jack if you've done anything wrong," Cas said cheerfully. 

"Fine," Lucifer admitted. "So I've made a few mistakes."

"Lucifer," Benny whispered. "Is- Is that actually LUCIFER?"

"In the flesh," He grinned.

"You're Satan?"


"Well," Benny insisted. "Just when you think you've seen it all."

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