Chapter 21: Just Checking In

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Cas was just heading back to the bunker's main room to check on everyone when Sam stormed past, looking pissed off and conflicted.

"How's Gabriel?" He asked. Sam scowled.

"Aggravating." The moose said through gritted teeth. "Stupid emotions." He kept walking. Cas tilted his head, confused, but decided not to question it. Sam and Gabriel's relationship was complicated. 

Jack stormed by next, stopping before the angel.

"Lucifer can go now," He declared.

"What did he say to you?" Cas questioned.

"It doesn't matter. He's awful, and you're not. I want him gone."

"Got it... How's Balthazar?" Jack grinned.

"He's awesome. I'm gonna show him our dungeon because he wants to see it, although he keeps asking weird questions about what's in it."

"Like what?"

"Like if we have a swing. I don't understand why we'd have a swing in a dungeon, but he seemed excited at the prospect that we might and I think he's going to be disappointed- should we get a swing?" Cas thought for a moment. He wasn't quite sure what Balthazar was referring to, but he had an idea of what Dean would say about it.

"I'll put it this way." Cas explained. "Whatever Balthazar asks, the answer is no, and you should not look up anything he mentions. Understood?"

"Okay," Jack shrugged and headed off. 

"Good advice," Dean declared, walking up. "Balthazar is going to be very disappointed when he finds out that it isn't a sex dungeon."

"He called this place your sex bunker, sooooo," Cas admitted.

"....Balthazar needs to lay off the orgies."

"Balthazar needs to stay away from Jack before he corrupts him."

"We've already corrupted him."

"Yes, but we corrupted him in a good way," Cas smiled. "How's Anna?" Dean made a face.

"Just peachy. I think it's high time she went back to heaven and never returned."


"Where's dumb and dumber?"

"Lucifer's still in the main room, I believe, and I'm not sure where Gabriel is." As if on cue, Gabriel popped up beside them, making Dean jump.

"Howdy Deano," Gabriel smirked, a lollipop already stuck in his mouth. "Have you seen my moose?"

"Somehow I get the impression Sam does not wish to speak to you." Cas offered.

"Aww, he's just playing hard to get. I'll win him back."

"Please don't." Dean said. "He's got enough relationship problems without you getting involved."

"Why, because all his girlfriends are dead? I can fix that. I'm a boyfriend, I won't die."

"You already did. Twice!"

"But I come back!" Gabriel retorted. "Now! I heard a mention of a sex dungeon?" Cas and Dean facepalmed.

"Why does everyone think we have a sex dungeon?" Dean grumbled.

"Because you should," Gabriel declared. "I would love one. Balthie would love one. I'm sure Cassie wouldn't mind if you dragged him in one, right Cassie?" Cas gave his brother a death glare in return.

"I think it's time Lucifer and the other headed back to heaven," He insisted.

"Ooooo, good idea," Gabriel exclaimed. "Road trip! I call shotgun!" Cas closed his eyes. It was nice to be home, but part of him would be extremely glad when he no longer had to put up with any of his siblings' bullshit. 

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