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~Part two~

Cole groaned sitting up from the cold cement. She held her aching head. When she pulled her fingers away, she saw blood coating her hands. That was when everything started to come back to her giving her a even bigger headache.

She pulled herself off the ground and leaned against the wall for support, looking around the cell they had her in. She didn't know what was going on or why she was here but she had a lot of questions. She was feeling slightly light headed and her stomach had stared aching. She was hungry and she didn't know how long they had her in here.

She started thinking about Sierra and hoped she was okay. Her mind then ventured off to Marcel. She wondered what he was doing..

"What the fuck is going on," Cole spoke to herself so confused. Foot steps caught her attention and she looked through the metal bars to see who was coming. She frowned when she saw the guy from the club. "Who are you ?" Cole asked moving away from where he had stopped, to open the doors. "I'm not going anywhere with you." She stated moving farther away from him when he entered the cell.

"You don't have a choice, you either come willingly or I make you." He spat standing in front of Cole staring down at her like she was a prize. "You don't remember me?" He frowned as he bend down in front of her. "I remember you.. you didn't have all these curves when you were little though.." he let his rough hand caress her arm only for Cole to knock it off.

She shivered as images of her childhood flooded her mind. The man she tried so hard to forget about flashed through her mind and she jump away from him when everything started to click. "You stay away from me!" She pointed at him as she backed herself into the wall.

The pounding in her head only got worse when she begin to panic. I won't let him.. I won't let him take advantage of me again, I can't.. Cole's thoughts became overwhelming as she stare at man before her. "I missed you.."

"Your sick in the head," she spat. His sadden face turned angry and he snatched Cole up by her hair, holding it in a tight grip.

"You and that smart mouth of yours always gets you in trouble.." he smirked down at her then quickly grabbed her shirt and snatched it off her body, the force made Cole come closer to him, before she could react he pinned her to the ground.

"No!" Cole screamed feeling like her worse fear was coming to life. She immediately went into attack mode, this moment was bringing back memories from her life in prison. Those women were ruthless and she had to learn to fight back. Her adrenaline was pumping as she thought of what to do. Although he had her arms held down her legs were free to do as they please.

Without a second thought, Cole pulled her knee up with all her strength. Kevon gasp, his eyes widen in pain and his grip loosened. Cole wiggle her way out of his arms, crawling to the other side. She stood up almost falling back down. Her vision was blurry, it took her a second to regain her sight. She saw Kevon on the ground still recovering. She looked towards the open cell door then made a run for it. She didn't make it for when a figure stood in front of her, blocking her escape.

Her mouth fell open in shock, she stumble back in surprise not believing her eyes. "Your alive.." she stated obviously. "You.. I-I killed.." she couldn't find the right words. Maybe I'm dreaming.. Cole thought to herself.

"You thought you killed me."

Cole couldn't keep her balance as she stumbled to the floor. She place her hands against her throbbing head, she felt so light headed. "I gave you one order Kevon, why do you always gotta do extra shit you idiot! She almost got away because of your carelessness."

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