(7) Let Me In

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When Elliot was 20 weeks along she went to the doctor's office with her mom and Winnie. The doctor said "Okay guys let's see what we have going on shall we." 

"Heartbeat is good baby is growing right on schedule and we have us a baby girl." the doctor said 

Elliot smiled and said "Oh yay!" 

Winnie said "Our first grand daughter Miranda." 

"I know I have a grandson already that's due any day now in Texas where her brother Ryan is with his wife now I'm getting a grand daughter." Miranda said 

"I know I have a grandson already he's 2 that James' sister had." Winnie said 

That night they were over for dinner but Elliot ate in her room. She still didn't want to be around Bucky even if he didn't get back together with Maci, cause once he saw how hurt Elliot was he changed his mind about getting back together with Maci. 

"Where's Elliot" Bucky said 

"She's in her room eating." Miranda said 

After they were done with dinner Bucky walked up the stairs and knocked on the door. "Elliot let me in." 

"Go away." she said

"Please Elliot I want us to talk." he said 

"I don't want to talk ." She said 

"Elliot please let me in I ..I miss you." he said 

She looked down then slipped on her shoes. "If you want to talk then we can go for a walk." she said as she opened the door. 

"Is that even safe." He said 

"I'm not even close to labor I'm only 20 weeks today." she said 

"Okay.." he said as he followed her down the stairs. 

They started to walk down the sidewalk. "Mom said that the baby is a girl." he said 

"Yeah." she said 

"Elliot I want to escort you this weekend." He said 

"Why? Aren't you back with Maci isn't that why we aren't together anymore." she said 

"No I didn't go back to Maci. I um I changed my mind once I saw how much I hurt you and making you feel like that night." he said 

She looked down "Baby I never had any intention of hurting you. I love you Ellie I was just confused and did something stupid." he said 

She stopped and he said "What something wrong." 

She took his hand and placed it on her stomach and she said "Feel her." 

"oh wow.. yeah I can feel her kicking." he said 

"I don't mind if you want to escort me this weekend." she said 

"Okay.." he said 

They walked back up to her house and he said "Let me in Ellie please.. tonight with you felt like old times. I do miss you darlin." he kissed her forehead and whispered "I still love you baby." then they both went into their houses. 

The morning of the ball James was about to head out to do what he does every morning that there is a ball he goes and buys Winnie a ring to match her dress. "Dad can I go with you?' Bucky said 

He looked up at him and said "Who are you escorting?" 

"Elliot Katherine." he said 

"Okay then yes you can go with me." James said 

He rode with his dad to the jewelry store and he texted Ellie to ask what color her dress was when she said silver and he said "Dad.. her dress is silver." 

"Okay well this is what I did one year when your mom wore a dress that I couldn't match a ring to I picked her birth stone or picked a color that reminded me of her." he said 

Bucky started to look around and his eyes landed on the green emerald rings and whispered "Her eyes." 

He picked one out and his dad helped him pay for it. 

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