(9) She's Coming..

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On New Year's Eve Bucky and Ellie were laying in bed she was already 11 days past her due date. "Buck..' she said

"Yeah baby." he said 

"I .. oh god ow ow." she said 

"Baby what's wrong." he said as he got scared.

"Get your mom." she said through pain. 

"MOM!!!" Bucky yelled 

Winnie came running in and she said "What's wrong. 

"OW.. oh god something is happening." Ellie said 

Winnie moved the blanket aand said "Okay honey your water broke for one.. and two we need to get you some pants on your in labor." 

"Baby here take my sweat pants it's fine" Bucky said as he helped his mom get the pants on and his hoodie. 

"I've got you baby' Bucky said as he helped her down the stairs. 

"What's going on" James said

"Labor dad labor." Bucky said 

"Oh god okay I'm coming> James said as he helped Bucky get her in the back seat. 

She started to breathe harder and she squeezed Bucky's hand after he got in the back seat with her. "Baby just breathe and try and relax." he said as James rushed them to the medical center.

Winnie called Miranda and Ben who spent Christmas in Texas cause they thought that Ellie would have the baby on her due date and bought the plane tickets to leave on the 23rd. They arrived at the hospital and they got up to labor and delivery. They gave an epidural once they checked her and said "you can have one you are at a 7." 

Miranda face timed her and said "I knew you would do this to me." 

"I'm sorry" She said 

"We are at the airport about to get on a flight baby we will be there soon as we can okay just try and relax yell at James if you have to that's what your mom did to me when she had you." Ben said 

"She's done that already but that was before she got the epidural." Bucky said 

Ben started laughing and said "We will see you all soon we love you." then they hung up. 

At 1155 the nurse said "We are fully dilated." 

She went to get the doctor then he came back in and they started to push and right at midnight she gave birth to their daughter "Francesca Monroe Barnes." 

They laid her on Ellie's chest and they were both crying. "She's beautiful baby." he whispered as Ellie got her to latch. The next morning they got her changed and dressed for family to come visit since it was past visiting hours when had her. 

"baby she's so beautiful and looks so much like you I was hoping for my hair but that's okay mama's hair is fine cause we can always have more

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"baby she's so beautiful and looks so much like you I was hoping for my hair but that's okay mama's hair is fine cause we can always have more." he said as he held his daughter and kissed Ellie. 

"More?" she said 

"Yes more for like after we get married." he said 

She smiled and said "I love you James." 

Their families came in and Ben said "Oh god you two look at this angel" as he took her. 

Miranda smiled and said "Oh Elliot she looks like she was dug right out of your but." 

Ellie rolled her eyes and said "Her name is Francesca Monroe Barnes. She was 6lbs 7oz and 18 inches long and born right midnight. And she's already stolen her daddy's heart." 

""She's a doll" James said as he took a turn. 

Bucky walked over to Ben and leaned in his ear and said "Can I talk to you." 

"Yeah sure." Ben said as they went out into the hallway and he said "Lt Col Carter I was wondering if I had your blessing to ask Elliot's hand in marriage." 

Ben said "You have my blessing as long as you promise to keep doing what you are doing to keep her happy and loved I have no problem with it." 

"Thank you sir." he said 

They went back into the hospital room and he told his dad that Ben had said yes. 

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