Chpater 22

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Kai's P.O.V

I can't wait until Ellie wakes up and I tell her the surprise I have planned, she's going to love it so much I just know it. She will be so shocked as well, heck I'm shocked at myself for doing it because I'm not a kind person but Ellie is changing me and I'm not sure it it's a good thing or not. I'm currently in the shower, I woke up 5 minuets ago and decided that I'd go get a shower before Ellie woke up.

I heard the bedroom door open and quickly got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. I walked out of the bathroom and saw Ellie going down the stairs, I followed behind her quietly to see what she was doing. She walked into the kitchen and then through to the living room, I think she is looking for me because she looks so confused. She walked out of the kitchen and back upstairs and knocked on the bathroom door, once nobody opened it she turned around and was about to go back down stairs when I stepped out.

"Looking for me?" I asked, she nearly jumped out of her skin and I let out a chuckle

"Y-you scared me, where were you I looked everywhere?" She said out of breath as I just made her jumped.

"I heard you leaving the bedroom and followed behind you to see what you were doing,I was in the shower as you can probably tell with the towel" I said and she looked down at my towel, I smirked, she saw me smirking and looked away blushing, she's so cute.

"Go get a shower and I'll make us breakfast, I've got a surprise for you as well after we had breakfast I'll tell you" I said and then went to kiss her on the cheek but she moved away and started walking to the bathroom, I was annoyed that she purposely walked away when she saw I was going to kiss her

"I'll let that slide but next time you move away when I try to kiss you I won't be happy now go get a shower and meet me in the kitchen"

Ellie's P.O.V

When I woke up I went downstairs expecting to see Kai in the kitchen as he wasn't in the bedroom, when I walked into the kitchen and he wasn't there I was confused so I went into the living room and he wasn't there either. I was so confused as to where he could be because I never heard the water from the shower on and he doesn't shut the bathroom door if he just going to the toilet, which I learned the hard way when he turned around yesterday as soon as I walked out of the bedroom and he hadn't pulled his trousers up yet.

When I was about to go back into the bedroom Kai scared me, when he came out of nowhere. "Looking for me?" He asked, because I wasn't expecting him to be there or start talking it scared the life out of me and I nearly jumped out of my skin to which he found funny and let out a chuckle.

"Y-you scared me, where were you I looked everywhere?" I said out of breath as I just had a mini heart attack. He told me he heard me leaving the bedroom and followed me which wasn't creepy at all. He then told me to go get a shower because he had a surprise for me that she would tell me after breakfast.

He went to kiss me but I moved away, not wanting to kiss him which he didn't seem to like judging by his facial expression but he let it go and told me that If I moved away from him again he wouldn't be happy, I don't really care if he's happy or not I don't want him kissing me.

I'm currently in the shower, the warm water pelting down onto me feels like heaven. I grab the coconut shampoo and conditioner and then shower gel and start to wash my body and hair, after I was covered in soap I raised it all off then began washing my hair. After about 10 minuets I was out of the shower and dressed and on my way to the kitchens.

Half way down the stairs I caught the smell of the pancakes and they smelled amazing, I walked into the kitchen and sat down. As soon as I sat down Kia turned around and gave me a kiss, this time I didn't turn away only because I didn't see it coming. He hugged me and then turned around to the pancakes again. After a couple of minutes he came and sat beside with a plate full of pancakes.

"So what is the surprise you were talking about?" I asked as I didn't like not knowing things, especially when it comes to Kai god knows what this surprise is.

"I'll tell you after you've eaten all your breakfast" He says and once again kisses my head. Once I finished eating he took the plates to the sink and then grabbed my hand and started walking, I didn't know where we were going so I decided to ask

"Where are we going?"

"A walk, I'm going to go get something first stay here I'll be back in a second" he said and with that he let go of my hand and ran up the stairs. He came back a few minutes later and took my hand again then we were off walking towards the lake

"So are you excited for your surprise?" He asked

"Uh I don't know, I don't know what it is"

"Off course you don't, that's why it's called a surprise" he chuckled, "close you eyes" he says and I hesitantly closed my eyes. "Okay you can open your eyes now" he said and I couldn't believe what he was holding out in front of me

It was a......

End of chapter 22

Hope you enjoyed!

No I'm only kidding, this isn't the end

It was a phone, I couldn't believe it! He was giving me a phone?

I know it doesn't seem like much but maybe this could be my chance of escaping him, I could contact the police

"Well is it a good surprise?"

"Yes, thank you" I said

"Can I get a thank you kiss?" Haha, no he can definitely not

"No" I shook my head and his face turned serious

"Oh then I guess I'll just take your phone off you" He says and takes the phone back

"No please, please give it back" I begged

"Give me a kiss then"

"I don't want to" I whispered looking down

"Why not? Your my girl after all and it's going to happen sooner or later" he said

"I'm not your girl"

"Yes you are" He said kissing me forcefully, I tried to push him away but he pulled me closer and kissed me harder. After a while he stopped so we could breath but he only went and started kissing and sucking on my neck

"S-stop it" and to my surprise he did, whoa this day is full of surprises

He handed me back the phone, "my number is on it, as well as Lucas's, Wills and Rachel's" wait what Rachel's?

"D-Did you say Rachel?" I asked

"Yes" I couldn't believe he was letting me talk to Rachel, I missed her so much

"Thank you" I said and give him a hug, I don't care how much I hate him, I haven't spoke to Rachel in weeks because of him and now he's letting me talk to her

"Oh and the phone isn't the only surprise" he said but I think the phone is the best surprise he could ever give me

"What could beat the phone" I asked

And let me tell you, I thought the phone was amazing but what he told me next was the way better than the phone

End of chapter 22

Hope you enjoyed!

Sorry it's been a few days, I am in Scotland spending time with my dad and haven't had time to write much.

What did you think of the surprise? And what is better than getting a phone and being able to talk to your best friend? Find out next chapter!

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