Chapter 24

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Ellie's P.O.V

The week dragged in and nothing really happened, we were back at Kai's mansion and I was talking to Lucas again, he apologised when I told him that what he said to be about being good annoyed me and he said he was sorry he just didn't want me to do something Kai wouldn't like and then getting hurt for it.

I didn't see Kai that much other than at night when he would come to be, even though I didn't want to sleep in the same bed as him i knew I didn't really have a choice and I wasn't going to risk making him angry by refusing incase he took my phone of me and told me I couldn't go and see Rachel.

It was finally the day where I would be seeing Rachel again, I couldn't wait and I am currently in the shower getting ready to see her,it's going to be hard saying goodbye to her at the end of today but I wasn't going to let that ruin my mood. It was 6am but I couldn't sleep, I was to excited so I decided to get up and get a shower so I could leave as soon as possible and see Rachel. It was Wednesday and I 'flew in' yesterday and texted Rachel last night that I was in a hotel and couldn't wait to see her tomorrow to keep up the act.

Once I was done in the shower I got out and dried myself off and got dressed, Kai was still asleep which was weird he was normally up way before me but I didn't say or do anything and just went downstairs to get something to eat. I decided I was going to have scrambled eggs, beans and toast and as I was in the middle of eating it Kai came into the kitchen and once he saw me eating he looked a bit annoyed.

"Your supposed to wait for me before you have breakfast, we are ament to eat together" He said pulling me out of my chair and then sitting down in my place and pulling me onto his lap.

"Sorry, I was hungry and you looked so peaceful I didn't want to wake you" I was telling the truth I was hungry and I didn't want to wake him up, but not because he looked too peaceful just because I wanted to be alone and away from him.

"It's okay princess, but I know how you can make it up to me" He said

"How's that?" I asked nervously

"Kiss me" eww no, he seemed to have forgotten that I don't like him


"Why not" he questioned

"Uhh I just ate eggs" That wasn't the only reason, I didn't wanna kiss him at all but I wasn't going to anger him by saying that

"So?" He smirked at me

"My breath smell"

"I don't care"

"No, but I do" I said

"Fine" He huffed and stood up to make himself something to eat

After breakfast Lucas came in and out the mic on me so that Kai can hear what me and Rachel are taking about.

"Remember the rules" Kai said as we were getting into the car

"I know, I won't say anything about you or the Mafia" I assured him, then texted Rachel telling her I was on my way.

Once the car pulled up to my old apartment complex I shot out of the car and ran up and knocked on the door, Rachel opened the door and I dived onto her knocking us onto the floor. We lay there a while hugging each other tightly.

"I missed you so much Rachel" I said, finally standing up and offering her a hand, once she stood up she gave me another hug

"Me to, I can't believe you just got up and left like that though, it's not like you and I was so worried" she said, I needed to think of something to reply quick

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