Chapter 50

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Ellie's P.O.V

Me and Kai were walking down the beach when his phone started ringing. It was Lucas. Kai Put the phone on speaker and what Lucas said made me so happy.

"Rachel woke up!" He says excitedly, I could hear how happy he is.

"What?" I exclaimed, I was so happy that she woke up, I couldn't help the big smile that spread across my face, my best friend, the girl who has always been there for me, my sister is awake. I haven't spoke to her in a week and I couldn't wait to see her. Apart of me was annoyed that I wasn't there when she woke up, I said I wouldn't leave her side until she was awake but I did and just my luck when I leave the mansion she wakes up!

I quickly darted away from Kai back the way we just came from. I started making my way towards the car. When I heard Kai shout after me. "Ellie! Slow down wait for me!" Kai calls out running after me. Like did he really think I was going to slow down? I just found out my friend is awake I'm not just going to walk calmly towards the car, I roll my eyes and continue to run towards the direction of the car. I can hear Kai running behind me, good! He better hurry up it's his fault I'm not there anyway!

I see the car in the distance and run faster, I've never wanted to be somewhere so desperately in all my life. I don't think I've ever ran this fast either, not even when I was running away from Will to stop myself from being kidnapped. Thinking about Will... I haven't seen him in or heard of him in ages.

I finally reached the car, I leaned against it waiting for Kai to unlock the door. It didn't take him long. Once the door was opened I jumped in and shouted at Kai to hurry up and drive.

"Hurry up and start the car!" I say eagerly, it sounded really rude but that wasn't my intentions

"Calm down Ellie, you haven't even put on your seatbelt yet" he says

"I don't care about the seatbelt just please hurry up and drive" I say, I was getting a bit annoyed I wanted to get there as soon as possible and here he was taking his time!

"Not until you have your seatbelt on" He says, I roll my eyes and with an aggravated sigh I quickly fasten my seatbelt

"Okay there now drive!" I shout

"Don't shout at me Ellie" he warns, still not flipping driving yet!

"Will you please just hurry the fuck up and drive! My best friend has been unconscious for a week and just woke up, I said I would be there when she woke up but you dragged me out here to this stupid beach and she woken up without me there!" I shouted, I was losing my patience I just wanted to go see Rachel and make sure she was okay. That's not hard to ask for is it? He glared at me angrily but I just give him a death glare back. Let me tell you If looks could kill he'd be 6 feet under right now. I was in no mood to mess around with, I needed to see Rachel and make sure she was okay.

He let out a deep sigh and then began to drive away, I let out a sigh of relief and mumbled a quick 'finally' I think he heard me cause he sent me another glare but choose not to say anything about it. Smart guy.


We finally made it back to the mansion, after what felt like hours but was only about 20 minutes. I jumped out of the car and ran towards the door before the car had even stopped driving. Kai had just slowed down and was about to park so he was reversing and I took my seatbelt off, opened the door and jumped out.

"Ellie! Don't jump out of a moving vehicle ever again you moron!" I heard Kai shouting out at me but I never payed no mind to him as I was already in the house and running toward Rachel. I couldn't wait to see her, I hope she's okay!

I was about to walk into the room when the nurse stopped me.

"Ellie, wait!" She calls out to me and grabs hold of my arm to stop me from going any further and into the room.

Oh no! Please tell me she's not about to say something is wrong. Please tell me Rachel is fine! And please tell me she's not about to say I can't go in there!

Please please please nothing be wrong. I beg silently in my head.

End Of Chapter 50

Happy 50th Chapter 😂😂😂 I just want to say thank you so much for all your support on this story and my other stories, it really does mean a lot!! Oh and please don't hesitate to PM me or even comment saying about any stories you want me to read, especially if there about: gangs/Mafia or Vampires/Werewolf's or Mates, kidnapped or cliche school/drama stories!

Btw they are just my personal favourite stories^^^ I'll try your story if you melt me know about it!!

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