~What A Cutie~

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I was sitting with Daniel by the pool area in a lawn chair. I had just moved here and had already made friends with a boy named Daniel LaRusso. I was getting pushed around and he jumped in. Later on I found out that we lived in the same apartment building. Or, at least I think we do. He didn't tell me quite yet, he was just practicing karate in the parking lot. He caught me spying on him while he was practicing. I was going out on the deck to read, but spotted Daniel and thought what ye was doing looked interesting. We were now sitting in lawn chairs and talking. I told him how I had just moved here from New York, and a little about my book I was reading, and he told me about how he did karate and moved here from New Jersey. That explains his accent. It was quite cute on him. I did have a small attraction to him, but only a small one. One thing about me is I'm quite shy. Oh, who am I kidding? I'm really shy. I was trying not to be like myself around Daniel. “So, did ya see anything you wanted to do on your way here?” he asked me suddenly. “Well.. I saw this beach on my way here. Not too far. Has a great view,” I said, thinking about the beach. I was pretty insecure and shy, but Daniel was my first friend so far. I feel like we could be close friends. “Well.. are ya busy Saturday?” he asked with a raised eyebrow. I looked at him and I felt my cheeks start to heat up. “Nope, I think I'm free..” I said shyly. I was really bad at not being shy. It was in my nature. I thought it was really nice how he was asking me if I was busy. What did that mean? “Would you like me to take you to the beach Saturday?” he asked, looking at me with a little cute grin. I smiled and my face seemed to get hotter than before. I smiled and looked down at the book I still had in my lap. I nod a little while smiling. Daniel was just so cute... “Well, what do ya wanna do now? We got some time to kill before Saturday and there's lots of stuff here to do. Why don't we do something now? I can tell my sensei I'm done practicing,” he stated enthusiastically. I smiled at his enthusiasm and tried not to let my heart explode from how cute he was. “Well I don't know! Why don't you suggest something?” I asked, not really knowing what California had to offer me. “You hungry? There's a good pizza place down the road if ya are," he said with his big smile he had. Gosh he was so cute . My shouldn't be home until 5 and it wasn't probably around then. “Yeah, we can head there,” I said shyly while looking down at my book again. “Is it okay if I run up to my apartment and drop my book off there..?” I asked politely. “Yeah! Go ahead, I have to tell Mr. Miyagi that I'm done training for now,” he told me. “We meet back here, alright?” he asked, and I nodded my head with a smile. I got up and rushed to the stairs, hurriedly making my way to my apartment. I didn't know if he was watching me, but I didn't really care. I ran through the door and put my book back in my bookbag and decided to leave a note for my mom in case she came home and I wasn't there. It stated, ‘Hey Mom, I'm heading out with my new friend from school. Don't worry if I'm not home when you get here. Love you! - Y/N’ I set it on the table and grabbed some money just in case before heading out. I closed the door and locked it, grabbing my key before leaving. I rushed down the stairs and back to the pool area to see Daniel standing there beaming at me. I smiked back at him and nodded toward the parking lot. He put his hands in his jeans pockets and lead the way to his car. We finally reached a nice looking yellow car. “Woah, is this yours?!” I asked in awe. “Yeah! You wanna drive?” he asked with a raised eyebrow. I looked at him like he was insane. “Are you crazy? I can't drive,” I tell him. “Fine fine, I'll drive,” he says while opening the door for me. I blush and look at him while I get in. He closes my door and goes to his side, hopping in and starting it up. He started driving and I found it amazing that he could drive. I don't know why, but I found it really cool. We rolled out of the parking lot and started down the road. There was a nice breeze and he had the top down. It felt nice having the light wind blowing through my hair. I glanced over at Daniel to see him looking at the road, his hair as well blowing in the gentle breeze. I blush a little and look away. He must have noticed me looking at him, because he glanced at me. “What? Do I got somethin' on my face?” he asked with a joking tone in his voice. ‘Yeah, a cute smile..’ I thought in my head, too nervous to actually say it. “N-No..” I say shyly with a smile. We finally get there and we got out and walked into the place. It was a a nice little place. We sat down at a booth, got some pizza, and ate mostly quietly except for some conversation.

*time skip brought to you by Daniel's karate kick*

We walked out and got back into hus car. It was stil pretty light outside since it wasn't too late into the fall. We were on the road and heading back to the apartment building. I sighed happily. I had a good time with him. Almost as if he had just read my mind, he said, “I had a great time with ya. I can't wait till Saturday.” I smiker and blushed a whole lot more. “I had a good time with you too... I can't wait either,” I said with my shy voice. We got back and parked, getting out and walking back to the pool area. “I'll walk you back to your apartment,” he told me. It wasn't even really an offer, so I just nodded. We walked back to my apartment and I kept my head down the whole time. We reached my door and Daniel looked at me. “Well, I'll see you at school tomorrow,” he said with a sweet smile. “I'll see you at school tomorrow. Thanks for taking me out to eat..” I said, trying to look at him. He smiled at me and said, “Anytime... Bye...” He gave a slight wave. “Bye..” I said, also giving him a little wave. I walked into my apartment and greeted my mom. I went to my room and plopped down on my bed, staring at the ceiling. I like Daniel LaRusso...

- Stay Gold my readers 🚬

Daniel LaRusso x Reader ~Just Beachy~Where stories live. Discover now