~How Did I Get So Lucky?~

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It was now Monday at school. I hate this place more than anything. I get picked on all the time. I don't tell Daniel, though, I can handle it. The last bell rang so I walked out of my class. The teacher was yelling about the homework assignment, but nobody really seemed to care. I walked along to my locker, opening it and putting things away and grabbing my bookbag. I then started my trek to Daniel's locker like I always do. I got closer but when I looked around the corner, I saw some girl talking to him. They were laughing and she playfully pushed his shoulder a little. My heart started to pound a little as I felt my face get hot, from anger or jealousy I couldn't tell. I knew who she was. It was Ali. I couldn't stand to watch this anymore. Yes I am shy, but I had to stand up for myself for once. I walked over to Daniel and hugged him from behind. He turned his head and smiled even wider. Yes! I made him smile more! “Y/N!” he said loudly and happily. He turned around and hugged me back, kissing the top of my head. I blush a little and hold him there. I look at Ali and she looked patient, like nothing was going on. “So Daniel, what were you saying?” she asked, a polite sound to her voice. I just stayed close to Daniel as they spoke about who knows what. I was just listening for anything suspicious. I finally heard a ‘You're so funny, Daniel’ and knew something was up. “Hey Daniel, do you wanna head out?” I asked, hoping he would come with me so they could leave Ali. “What's the rush?” Ali asked ever so nicely. I just looked at her and wanted to say, ‘Back off. He's nice. You can't just take him from me.’ I was cut out of my thoughts when Daniel said, “Yeah, what's the rush baby?” I look up at him and I could feel my heart sink a little. He wanted to hang out with her? Would he end up looking her instead of me? What if he left me for her? She'd probably treat him better than I ever could... “Well, I have a lot of homework to do so I best get going..” I say sadly while putting ny head down and walking away from Daniel. I didn't hear any footsteps, so I figured he wasn't following me. I stated to cry a little when some girls came past me. “Awe, look at the little baby!” they laughed. I just kept walking until one of them pulled my hair back. I didn't even try to fight in my state of mind. “Awe, why's is the baby crying?” she asked in a mocking tone. I just roll my eyes and try to kick backward. I kick what must have been her shin, because she let go of me with a yelp. I bolted for the doors and kept my head down. I was going to the one place I liked to go. It wasn't very secret, but I was alone. I was sitting on a bench my the soccer field. I put my elbows on my knees and put my face in my hands, letting myself cry. Not too long after, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I didn't even hear anyone walking close to me? I must have been too busy crying. I look up to see Daniel there. His usual smile was now a frown as he looked down at me. He sat down to my right and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close to him. “Hey.. don't cry... What's wrong..?” he asked quietly while rubbing mt shoulder. “Y-You were talking with Ali... I was scared that you were gonna leave me for her..” I whimper out quietly while crying. He pulls me closer and wraps both arms around me now. “Why would you ever think that..?” he asked cautiously, probably not wanting me to be any more upset. “Because she's prettier than me... She's funnier than me... She's more popular than me... She could probably treat you better than I ever could..” I say, crying some more and burying my face into his chest. He pets the back of my head with one hand and the other is rubbing my shoulder. “Y/N.. I could never leave you for anybody. All those things you said weren't true. No one could ever treat me the way you do. You're the prettiest gal in this universe. And being funny? You take the cake! You're always making me laugh. And popularity doesn't matter to me. What matters to me is personality, and you, Y/N, have the brightest personality. Brighter than the sun itself,” he informed me, this gentle tone in his voice. I look up and into his eyes, tears still spilling from mine. He wipes them away and starts leaning in. I close my eyes and let his lips meet mine. Everything felt so new and bold. Everything had color even through my eyelids. He pulled away and I immediately felt better after that. I smiled and he did too, saying jokingly, “There's that smile I love so much.” He poked at the corner of my mouth and I laughed a little. He stops and still looks at me. “I love you, Y/N. Don't you ever forget it,” he said, and his tone made sure that I knew it. “I could never forget it. I love you too,” I say with a smile, then kissing his cheek. He smiles more and I feel a question coming on. “So, what were you and Ali talking about anyway?” I asked, now feeling better. He looks at me and smiles. “She came up to me because I called her over to ask about an assignment in English,” he said, making it sound like I was just the jealous girlfriend. I immediately got embarrassed and looked down, trying to hide my face. Gosh, I was just the jealous girlfriend... “Hey, don't be like that,” he said with a smile on his face, which I saw when he lifted my head with his finger. I smiled and looked at him. Gosh he is so cute. “C'mon, let's go for a walk. Get off these school grounds. I've seen enough of this place today,” he said while smiling and looking at me. He wasn't wrong. I've seen enough of this place today too. I was about sick of this place. We got up and he instantly grabbed my hand. Knowing me, of course that made me blush. I blush at the littlest things sometimes. He seemed to have noticed this and just said out of the blue, “You're so adorable when you blush.” That just made me blush even more. The walk was mostly silent except for some jokes here and there along with small talk. We walked a bit out, and then walked back to the school to get his car. We hopped in and went over to his apartment. I've been to his apartment that he shared with his mom before, so it wasn't like this was my first time there. His mother was super nice and I just loved her. She became like my second mother. While at his apartment we watched whatever was on the television and cuddled. It was really nice just being there with him, especially when I'm cuddled up next to him with a blanket on... I don't really remember much. I must have fallen asleep after some time. The last thing I remember is the soft sound of the television and the feeling of my hair being twirled. I also remember hearing, “How did I get so lucky?”

- Stay Gold my readers 🚬

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