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(Y/F/B) = Your Favorite Book

The next day is Sunday, and I was about to do what I usually did every Sunday before I moved. I used to go outside and read. I went out to the patio and said down in a nice chair. I started reading (Y/F/B) when I hear something familiar. I look over my railing to see the one and only Daniel LaRusso practicing karate. Why not watch him again? I sit down Indian style and look through the bars. He does a whole bunch of moves. I sit there, fascinated by his movements. I giggle slightly, but it would probably go unheard. It didn't, of course. He looked up at me as I stood up, my cheeks probably glowing red with embarrassment. "You again, eh?" he says, then chuckles a little. I smile at his joking tone, feeling my cheeks cool down a little. He's just too goofy. "Come on down!" he said enthusiastically with a huge smile. I started smiling too and my cheeks cooled down enough. I had to come up with something to say. "Naw, the view is much nicer from up here," I say with a goofing smile. He chuckled and I yell down to him, "I'll be right down!" I run out to him and meet him in the parking lot, dropping my book off at my house. Why read when I could hang out with Daniel? New house, new traditions. I meet him outside and smile at him. "Hey, Y/N!" he said while holding out his arms. I was confused. Why would he want to hug me? I didn't think too much of it and hug him for a split second. I feel my face heat up, so that made me pull away quicker. "So.. how long have ya been watchin'?" he asked curiously. "Oh... Not too long. I only saw a few moves. You're so good at karate!" I compliment. He smiles and thanks me. I smile and think about something to say. "Hey.. you wanna practice some more? I can watch you from down here this time," I laugh. He looks at me and smiles his cute little smile. "Actually, I was hoping to run into you. I wanted to ask you if you wanted to do something today?" he asked politely with a smile. I smile and blush, freaking out on the inside. He wants to hang out with me again? I was really happy to hear him ask me. “Y-Yeah! What would we do?” I asked with a raised eyebrow. “Well, I was thinking about just goin' to the park or somethin'?” he said, but kind of like he was asking me if it was okay or not. I smiled ever so widely. To me, this is the greatest thing ever. I nod my head vigorously and he suddenly asks, “Should you tell your mom where you're goin'?” I tell him my mom's at work until five, and we head off. We go to his car and get in, driving off. For some reason, the fact that he can drive still amazes me. Not many of my old friends had their driver's license. Not too long after we got in the car we were there. It was this small park, but it was nice. I wondered what we were going to do here? We got out of the car but, before I could get out myself, Daniel came around and opened my door for me. This was strange... I met him on Thursday, and it was now Sunday. I got out of his car and smiled at him. He motioned me to follow him so I followed in his footsteps. He lead me over to the swings. What a cutie. “C'mon, have a seat,” he told me sweetly, gesturing to one of them. Was he seriously going to push me on the swing? What a dork. A cute dork that is. I giggle and say, “Really?” I giggle again and he chuckles at my joking tone. “Yes really! Now have a seat,” he tells me again, and has this huge grin on his face. I sit on the swing, holding onto the chains. He wraps his hands near the seat part and pulls me back. People must be looking at us weird, but I didn't care. I giggle again as he started pushing me. I haven't been on a swing set in what felt like forever. “Daniel, you are so goofy,” I say with a giggle. “I'll take that as a compliment,” he says back in a false smarty type tone. After a little while of swinging, he stops me and we spend the rest of the day at the park. We did the monkey bars and everything. I laughed when Daniel slipped on the monkey bars and fell. There was this little circle pathway that was by the park but still a part of it, and we start walking on that. I had my hands in my jeans pockets until I felt something pulling my one hand out. I looked over and saw Daniel pulling ny hand out of my pocket. I was confused until he grabbed my hand. I looked up at him and he was already looking at me. I blushed as we made eye contact and he held my hand. “Look, Y/N, I really like you. I know we just met not too long ago, but I was wonderin' if you'd like to give it a shot?” he asked me with this smile that I couldn't say no to. “Yes, I'd love to give it a shot,” I say happily. He stops me and pulls me in for a hug. I hug him back and we stay like that for a moment. How could he like me? How could someone like him like someone like me? I don't understand it. How? What was there to like about a shy girl who didn't know how to stand up for herself? Well, apparently Daniel saw something. What ever it was, Daniel could see a reason to like someone like me. But how? I don't really know. All I know is that he likes me, and I got a boyfriend now... That thought made me so happy. I don't know how long we've been hugging for now, but we pulled away from each other. I looked at him and smiled, thinking again about how he was now my boyfriend. “We should probably get you back home,” he said, still smiling somehow. Gosh I love his smile... We start walking back to his car, hand in hand. I could already see that I would be the kind of girlfriend who liked physical contact. I loved the feeling of holding hands with him. It made me smile all over again. We made it back to his car and he opened the door for me. I laugh a little and look down at the ground, trying to hide my growing red cheeks. He gets in and starts driving back to our apartment place. Once we get there he, like always, walks me back to my apartment. We reach it and he looks at me. A smile grows on his face as he kisses my cheek. I blush like mad and look down at the ground. He chuckles a little and pushes some of my hair behind my ear. “I'll see ya tomorrow, alright Y/N?” he asks, and I can almost hear his smile. “Y-Yeah..” I say, still blushing from him kissing my cheek. We say our goodbyes and he turns to walk back to his apartment. I open my door and walk in. “Hey, where've you been, honey?” my mom asks me as I walk in. I figure I will tell her later about me and Daniel. “Oh, out with a friend,” I say, hurrying off to my room. Once I'm past the doorway, I close my door and rest my back against it. Dating Daniel LaRusso... To me that was just amazing. I change into my pajamas and head to bed, my mind only thinking about Daniel.

- Stay Gold my readers 🚬

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