~Leaving Reseda~

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It was now Friday and I couldn't wait for this weekend. I couldn't wait to see what kind of things Daniel had planned for us. It was my last class and I anxiously waited for the last bell to ring. It rang and I jumped out of my seat. I bolted out the door and to my locker. I had to get everything fast and rush to Daniel's locker. On I got there he wasn't there... Maybe he just wasn't there yet. I'll wait here for a bit. The halls started to become deserted and I still had not seen Daniel. Maybe he had to go home early. I'll just walk to his apartment. I walked out of the building and down to my apartment. Within a few minutes I was to the front gate. I walked in and saw Daniel over to the right. I walked over to him smiling, but it faded away when J saw he looked really upset. I rushed over to him and hugged him. “Daniel, are you okay? What's wrong?” I asked, sounding really worried. “Oh, nothing... I was wondering if you'd like to go to the park with me?” he asked, trying to smile. I could tell it was hard, and I knew something was wrong. If he didn't want to tell me now, I'd get it out of him later. I nod my head and follow him to his car. We get in and get going. Not too long later, we get to the park and get out. Daniel seemed so different. He didn't even really smile much during the car ride. He walked over to me and grabbed my hand. We walked for a bit in silence around the park. There was definitely something off. He was acting very strange. He was way less smiley. “Daniel, what's wrong? You seem upset?” I asked him, concerned. He looked at me and took my hand. He looked really upset. He took a deep breath and said, “Y/N.. I have to leave Reseda...” My heart dropped. I felt like my heart was breaking. Was I ever going to see him again? Was this goodbye? “Why..?” I asked, trying not to cry. “I have to help Mr. Miyagi with some things going on in his home town,” he informed me. My heart shattered as I thought about him leaving. “When are you leaving.." I ask, trying to hold back the tears. “Tomorrow..” he said quietly. He's leaving this soon? Why is he leaving so soon? He can't leave me... We haven't really even been together for a week! “How long will you be gone..?” I asked, really trying not to cry now. I could feel my eyes start to water so I looked away. “Maybe a month or two..” he says, his voice cracking a little. I couldn't look at him, but I had to. I turned my head and asked, “Is this goodbye..?” At this question, tears flow from my eyes, but I try to stay strong. He looks at me and we stop stop walking. He pulls me close and holds me, petting the back of my head while shushing me. “No... No, of course it's not,” he trys to reassure me. I cry into his shoulder and grip onto him as tightly as I can. I don't want him to leave... What if he never comes back..? “Hey, let's try to make this the best day ever,” he trys to say cheerfully. I shake my head, knowing I won't be able to do it. He was leaving me behind. I pulled away and started walking away from him in the way we came from. I wanted to go home. I wiped my tears and Daniel didn't follow me. I walked home and well cried for a while. I did stop, but only because I didn't want to cry anymore.

*time skip to the next day*

I wake up and look at my clock. It's around nine o'clock and I groan. Suddenly, it hits me. Daniel's leaving today... I immediately want to start crying, but I don't. I have to at least say goodbye. I don't know when he's leaving, but I have to find him. I get up and get ready to leave. Once I'm dressed and ready, I head out to the front gate. I see Daniel's car there and he's putting all his luggage in it. He looks at me and frowns a little. He walks over to me and hugs me. “I'll see you in maybe a month or so..” he said sadly. I hug him tight before we let go of each other. He looks down and turns away. Before he even takes one step, he stops and turns to me. He takes me into a tight embrace and whispers in my ear, “I love you...” I hug him tightly and mumble, “I love you too...” We pull away and kiss eachother one last time before he pulls back. He turns around amd walks away with his head down. He gets in his car and waves at me slightly before driving away. I have back and let my tears fall after he can't see me. I watched his car drive off into the distance. I won't be able to see him until one month, starting today... I turn to walk back through the gate. It's already not the same without knowing he's in his apartment... What am i going to do while he's gone..?

*time skip to around a month*

I sit on my couch, reading one of my favorite books. I sit there until I here a knock on my door. My mom wasn't there either, so I had to get it. I get up and drag my feet. Life hasn't been the same without Daniel. I open the door and.. oh my gosh... “Daniel!!” I yell, jumping on him. He catches me and holds me around my waist. I start crying tears of joy from seeing him. It feels like it's been so long... “I love you,” he whispered in my ear. The first thing he says to me when he gets back... “I love you so much. I missed you!” I said happily. Gosh I missed him... I pull away and that's when I see it... He's covered in bruises and cuts. “Sweety, what happened to you..?” I asked, true concern in my voice. “A lot... How about I tell you about it?” he asked woth a little smile. I nod my head and head over to the couch. We sit down and talk about everything that he went through...

The end.

(I'm sorry this took longer to publish than normal. Also, sorry for any typos, I didn't proofread this.)

- Stay Gold my readers 🚬

Daniel LaRusso x Reader ~Just Beachy~Where stories live. Discover now