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It was Thursday and I was walking to to my locker. I had one last class and I was dreading it and couldn't wait for it at the same time. I close my locker and there's Daniel behind it. “Hey muchacha,” he greeted, smiling. I've never heard that one before, but it made me laugh. “Hey chicko,” I said, just trying to be silly like he was. “I can't wait to leave this place,” he says as we walk down the hall to my next class. We don't have very many classes together, but he does walk me to a lot of them. “Why?” I asked, furrowing my eyebrows lightly. “I can't wait to kiss you again,” he said, looking at me while smiling wide. I smile and blush a little, looking away. We finally reached my last class and I give him a quick hug. We bid our goodbyes and he walks off. I walk into class and await the boring 45 minutes ahead.

*Time skip brought to you by Daniel's karate kick*

That class was finally over and it was the end of my day. I quickly rush out and head to my locker, getting everything I need and putting things that I don't need in there. I close my locker and there's someone there, but it's not Daniel... “Hi, I'm Johnny. What's your name pretty thing?” he asked, this wide, yet evil smile on his face. I immediately got embarrassed amd knew this wasn't right. I have a boyfriend, so he shouldn't be talking to me like this. “My name is Y/N. If you don't mind, I better get going,” I say, trying to walk away as quick as possible. He grabs my arm lightly and stops me. “Woah, what's the rush, I wanna get to know you,” he stated, trying to genuinely sound nice. There was a moment of silence while I thought but he broke it by saying, “You're real pretty, you know that?” I feel myself tense up. I know what he's doing, and I don't like it. “Thank you, but, I really better get going. I have to meet up with my boyfriend, but I'll see you around,” I say, pulling away from his grip. He lets me, so I quickly walk off. I can hear his footsteps behind me, and he finally steps in front of me to stop me. “Hey, your boyfriend can wait a bit I'm sure. I just want to get to know this pretty thing I'm speaking to,” he said, that same smile on his face. I'm actually starting to get a little scared now. I keep trying to get away but he won't let me. Why does he want to talk to me so bad? No one thinks I'm pretty besides Daniel. “Look, I'm not trying to be rude, but could you please let me go see my boyfriend?” I ask, trying to reason with him. Suddenly, I hear someone yell, “Hey! You leave her alone!” I turn quickly to see that it's Daniel. He looked furious. I've never seen him so mad. He got closer and got really close to Johnny. He was obviously taller than Daniel. “Hey, leave her alone. That's my girlfriend you're hitting on,” he said, anger filling his tone. “And what are you going to do about it, Daniel?” Johnny asked in a taunting tone. “H-Hey, let's go Daniel..” I say, trying to pull his arm to pull him away but he refuses. “No, this guy was trying to hit on you. That doesn't fly with me,” he said, looking back to Johnny after he stopped speaking. I was quite scared of what was going to happen next in all honesty. I don't want a fight to break out. It was really nothing. I could have gotten away. “As I said Daniel, what are you going to do about it?” Johnny asked again, this time more threateningly. Daniel wouldn't fight, would he? No, he wouldn't. “I'm going to politely ask you to leave my girlfriend the hell alone,” he said, trying to be as calm as possible I can tell. I'm so glad he didn't start a fight. I don't know what I would have done. I remember some time before he was telling me that karate was not for revenge, that it was for self defense. “Ohh, you're going to ask me politely. And what is that going to do?” he taunted. People were now looking to get a scoop of what was going on. I shyly hid behind Daniel, not wanting all the attention on us. “Look, just leave us alone. I'm not asking for a fight or anything,” Daniel said, trying to be as calm as possible. “Oh, well that's too bad,” Johnny said, suddenly punching Daniel in the stomach. Since I'm standing behind him, I get pushed back a little. Daniel recovers from the blow and makes me step back. I try to protest, but he insists. He steps back in front of Johnny but doesn't strike. He knew better than that. He instead watched Johnny closely. Johnny went for another punch but Daniel deflected it and throwing on in the stomach. I want to stop it before it gets too bad, but I'm terrified to even gasp. Johnny recovers after a second and strikes again, this time getting Daniel square in the eye... I cover my mouth and rush over to him. “Are you okay?” I ask frantically. He nods his head but before Johnny could strike again I pull Daniel out of it. I didn't want either of them fighting each other. “C'mon, Daniel, let's get you to my house and look at that eye. It looks like it's already bruising..” I say sadly. I grab his hand and pull him away. He doesn't even try to protest or speak. He just walks with his head sort of down. After a while of walking in complete and utter silence, we get to my apartment. I open the door and close it behind us, then lead him to my bathroom. I turn on the light so I can see better and see that it's already bruising more. I frown and get out a wash cloth. Wetting it under the faucet, I wring it out and place it on his eye gently. “Here, hold this there. The cold water will help it I hope. We can put ice on it in a minute,” I tell him. He just sits there and looks down at the floor. Something's definitely wrong. “Hey, what's wrong?” I ask, rubbing his shoulder. “I should have never gotten that mad. I'm sorry,” he apologizes. I look at him and rub his shoulder still. That's what's bothering him so bad? That wasn't thag bad. “Hey, it's okay. I'm so proud of you,” I tell him, honestly proud of him. He gave me a confused look at said, “Why? I got a black eye and barely even fought.” I just smiled and shook my head at this. “Daniel, I'm proud of you for not fighting back. He was trying to pick a fight but you stayed strong. To me, that's stronger than he'll ever be,” I inform him while running my fingers through his hair. He looks at me and smiles really wide. He then hugs me really tight and I hug him back. We stayed like that for a while, just rocking slightly from side to side and holding eachother. I feel like I could hold him forever. I pull away, though, and ask, “You wanna go sit on the couch?” He nods his head and follows me out there, bringing the rag with him. I sit down but he decides to lay down and lay his head in my lap. I don't really mind. Infact, I think it's adorable. He lets the rag rest over his one eye while the one I can still see is closed. I begin running my finger through his hair again and soon enough, his breathing actually slowed down. He was asleep in my lap and I couldn't have thought it was cuter. My heart melted at the sight. He looks so peaceful and handsome at the same time... I continue to run my fingers through his hair and think out loud, “Gosh Daniel, I'm so glad you're mine...”

- Stay Gold my readers 🚬

Daniel LaRusso x Reader ~Just Beachy~Where stories live. Discover now