Chapter 2

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"Ready?" My longtime best friend Renata asked me with a big grin on her face "as ready as I'll ever be" I return her smile with a weaker one

Renata called over her friend Lucas to drive us over to the airport and help us with everything since one of us can't hold anything heavy I grab my light carry on bag filled with my laptop and like 5 books to entertain my impatient self on the plane, Renata splurged and got us one of those flights that have WiFi which is great because that means her and I will end up binge watching Grey's Anatomy our favorite TV show in the entire world. Anyway, after I put my carry on bag on my shoulders, with my one good hand I start rolling my suitcase down the hallway but am halted by Renata taking it away from me.

"Sweetie let me take care of this!" She says sweetly quickly after she screams for Lucas and hands him the suitcase

"remind me why I'm doing this for you again?" He asked as she shoves the suitcase to his side

"because you love and value your dear friend and because I told you to" she replies sarcastically

he rolls his eyes chuckling and turns around walking out the front door down the steps.

"Okay let's go!" She says grabbing my hand and pulling me out the door with her suitcase in the other hand.

We get out of the front door and are greeted by Lucas's Nissan Pathfinder. I hop into the back seat and lean up to turn on the radio Good Girl by Dustin Lynch starts playing and I nod my head along to the beat as I listen to Renata and Lucas's bickering like an old married couple which makes me laugh

"God damn what do you have in rocks" he teases

"What are you not MAN enough to pick up a little suitcase" she teases back.

Lucas puts all his upper body strength into lifting her heavy bag in the trunk, and as soon as the bag made contact with the car it shook. He slams the trunk shut and walks around to the drivers seat and here comes Renata around the other side jumping in and kicking her feet up on the dashboard

"um excuse me I don't know if your parents taught you manners but get your dirty ass shoes off my Buttercup"

I raise my eyebrow at him in silence, but Renata, on the other hand, is laughing her ass off while smacking her knee

"Buttercup? Really you named your car?" she continues laughing even harder until Lucas pushes her feet off she gives him the glare of death and he shifts uncomfortably in his seat and turns on the car saying nothing while driving off.

"remember not to forget to feed Lula and Gordo while we're gone, the food is in the cabinet under the sink and you have to clean their litter box okay?" She says slowly to him like he's an idiot

"Ren, I know what to do you've been on vacation before I'm not dumb" he laughs

she gives him a look making him second guess himself "okay I'm not dumb all the time" he sighs.

"Also since you'll be staying at my place don't but a Puto while I'm gone and bring all these girl to the apartment"

"Hey I'm not a man whore I'm actually in a relationship remember?" He says

"Oh right well don't be a puto and bring your girlfriend to the apartment and do the nasty" she laughs

while they're talking I'm just sitting back here in silence because I'm not really in the mood to talk I haven't been for the past few days after the whole incident with Bryce. My phone vibrates and I pick it up speaking of the devil himself

Baby 😍🔒: Y/N can we please talk??

I sigh looking at the screen as it goes dark i still haven't changed his contact because if I do that means it's really over for good now and it's like the past three years of my life hasn't existed but I know in the end it's for the best for me to do, but I don't change his contact name I'm still not ready to completely let him go I clear the notification and just stare out the window while Renata and Lucas are talking

As the Pathfinder comes to a screeching halt in the parking lot of the departure area we finally get to the airport I open the door getting out and looking at the sign for Alaskan Airlines which is what we're flying on it's the only airline to depart to Cancun from Los Angles. Lucas opens the trunk shoving Renata her heavy ass suitcase, and then he takes mine out and they start arguing over who's carrying the lighter one aka mine. As per usual Renata won and starts rolling my light ass bag into the airport with a smile on her face and me by her side with Lucas trailing behind us like a puppy.

We enter the baggage area getting in line to put our luggage onto the scale and get it put on the plane. While in line I guess it just hits Renata that we're going to be spending a week in paradise with each other and she suddenly gets hyper and starts dancing around like a crazy woman causing me and Lucas to laugh the women calls us up to weigh our bags, and we hand them over she gives us our boarding passes and we head towards the steps to security but before we go we say goodbye to Lucas and once again Renata starts yelling at Lucas in Spanish telling him something I can't understand I grab her hand and start pulling her away to escalator. while we're standing there making our way up I turn my head to see Lucas just there standing at the bottom staring at her with a scared expression on his face then Renata turns her head around smiles at him and gives a little wave as we make our way to security. "What did you say to scare the poor kid?" I ask raising an eyebrow knowing I'm gonna regret it "I said if anything happens to my precious babies I will make him lose the ability to have children of his own" oh my god my best friend is a lunatic I think to myself and chuckling in my head

"About fucking time" I huff as we finally walk out of security line Renata held us up because she got a pat down from the TSA agent. "I'm sorry but I was not taking my shoes off and walking without socks on with that scuzzy ass floor" she laughs "So you thought oh instead of taking my shoes off for ten seconds I rather get a pat down" I reply crossing my arms and cracking a smile "Uh yeah duh I was killing time for us so we don't have wait at this boring hell hole for that much longer" she saying while tilting her sunglasses up onto her head. "What time is it anyway, cause I wanna grab a hash brown at the Mc Donald's by our terminal?" She asks I pull my phone out of my back pocket looking at the screen and I swear to god my eyes probably bulged out of my head "um funny story we have NO time and need to get out asses to the gate now" I say throw my phone into my bag and start hauling ass with Renata by my side all the way to the other end of the airport praying that we didn't miss our flight. Finally, like the out of Shape twenty-year-olds, we are just in the nick of time made it to the boarding area and got to our seats. After we got situated we pushed our bags under the seat in front of us and waited to take off. "Are you still happy you got that pat down?" I say sarcastically attempting to catch my breath as she gives me the finger while doing the same. "Hello, folks this is your captain speaking I would like to ask that you put all your phones on airplane mode during the duration of the flight. On behalf of the flight crew, let me welcome you aboard Alaskan Airlines Flight 1647 to Cancún Mexico. We should touch down in Riviera Maya at 1:00 PM local time, depending on this headwind." The captain explains the safety procedures in case something happens with the flight attendants doing their little hand motions and finally like twenty minutes the captain starts the plane turning it towards the runway and before we know it we're up in the air going to paradise.

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