Chapter 17

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"So how do I look?" I ask spinning around in my dark red bodycon dress, and my makeup done along with my hair before Ren's eyes with a smile on my face

"You look hot a shit!" She replies excitedly "so how nervous are you for your first official date back with Bryce" she continues enthusiastically

"Actually super nervous cause I don't even remember the last time we had a dinner together that didn't require a microwave to be heated up, or for me to dress nice, and have an actual conversation with him" I giggle as I hook my necklace behind my neck, grab my handbag

"Okay go get em tiger" she laughs playfully pushing me out of the door and giving me a thumbs up as I walk off into the cool night to the bluewater grill restaurant which is right next to the buffet outside on the deck. The waiter takes me to my seat and I give him a polite smile while pulling my phone out so I can open up my text messages to see if shawn has texted me at all and I sigh seeing none from him I've sent him a bunch, but I stopped after Josh told me to cause I don't wanna hurt Shawn anymore than I have. Then my phone beeps and I look down seeing Bryce texted me

Bryce: come on sweetheart please don't be mad over this it's just one night

I raise my eyebrow now knowing what he's talking about I mean sure I kind of embarrassed him today calling him Shawn and all but he should have the right to be mad not me.

"Hey babe" I look up to see him smiling and straightening out his shirt I stand up giving him a hug and quick peck on the lips

"Hey" I lightly return his smile while sitting back down

"Y-you look absolutely amazing" He stutters while looking at me scanning my body

"Um so I got some text from you that I don't think you meant to send" I say showing him my phone and his eyes widen and cheeks flush as he reads the text giving me a queasy feeling in my stomach.

"Oh yeah babe, sorry that wasn't met for you my sister and I got in a fight and you know how she is a huge baby so I was just telling her to suck it up ya know" he says as his blush deepens making me think something is wrong. He shuts himself up, and we sit in silence until we order and then it's not much better just a little small talk here and there, but as soon as we start to get into a real conversation Bryce's phone goes off or he starts staring off at the screen

"What is so important on your phone that you can't hold a conversation with your own girlfriend?" I ask crossing my arms

"Y/N did I not just tell you I had family issues right now?" He said a little snippy

"Well I would actually believe that if you weren't sitting here snickering at your screen whenever you receive a text" rolling my eyes

"Well I'm not yelling at you when you're still texting Shawn, yeah I saw it and I was a good person and didn't say anything after you agreed not talk to him again" he squints

"I was just checking on him after I hurt him so bad, and you know what if you don't treat me better I have a man here who would gladly treat me like I deserve to be treated he told he was starting to fall in love with me and you're over here ignoring me" I stand up his jaw drops and his phone goes off again and I snatch it off the table before he can grab ahold of it and see the text

Babygirl (Romana): I miss you so much baby, and I can't wait till you're home and can resume what we started 😉

"Bryce how did you get here" I ask softly as the anger bubbles up inside me

"That doesn't matter, now Y/N give me back my phone" he says reaching to grab his phone from my hands but I take a step back

"Once again Bryce how did you get here?" I ask again balling my fist up

"Romona payed for my ticket okay? Is that what you wanna here?" He says biting the inside of his cheek holding him back from yelling

"Are you still with her?" I furrow my eyebrows tightening my grip around his phone he sighs not saying anything in reply "ARE YOU STILL WITH HER?" my voice raises he looks me straight in the eyes and I know the answer from his constant silence


"Shhh" he says bringing his finger to his lips trying to get me to calm down the anger in me just explodes and I take his phone launching it across the room

"WE'RE FUCKING OVER, GO FUCK YOURSELF AND GO THE HELL HOME" I scream storming out of the restaurant

"Buenos noches" the hostess calls out as I walk by fast once I get to the lobby I look around not wanting to go back to the room just yet because I'm so fucking pissed and I don't wanna snap on Ren and get her pissed at me I look around and see that the show is starting, but I remember Josh telling me not to go, and even though I'm mad as shit I'm still conscious of Shawn's feelings. Then my eyes land on the night club Ren, and I haven't stepped foot in yet I never planned on going in but right now I just need to get a drink, or four and there's loud music so I can just dance my anger out. I walk in the glass doors and wiggle through the sweaty dancing bodies sitting down at the bar signaling the bartender over and ordering myself a tequila shot.

"Hey Y/N" I hear barley over the music and I turn around to see James standing there with a drink in his hand I turn back around toward the bar not saying a word he sits down in the seat next to me

"Listen I'm sorry about what happened the other day I didn't mean to get that handsy with you I'm not usually that type of person my feelings just got to my head and I lost control of myself I took some time to myself and I just wanted to say that" he says and just as he was about to get up I heavily sigh and put my hand on his shoulder

"Bartender?" I signal he walks over with my shot setting it down "can I get another shot for my friend" I look over at James smiling I mean I could really use someone right now, and I don't wanna bother Ren at the moment so what the hell what he did is done and over with, we're not gonna do anything tonight I just need someone to get drunk with so I can let loose. The bartender returns giving James his shot and on three we both quickly swig it down our throats I make a really ugly face and bang my hand on the table.

"You alright lightweight?" he laughs

"Oh I'm just getting started Bartender two more shots" I call out

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