Chapter 18

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"Ugh" I groan waking up to a throbbing headache and hesitantly opening my eyes not wanting to come to reality

"Hi sleepy head" Ren chirps out with a smile

"What fucking time is it?" I whine sitting up to see the bottom of my dress up all the way around my waist and my heels still on. My covers are all over the place and my pillows on the ground, man what the hell did I do last night? Ren walks over to her phone checking the time

"1 PM" she shrugs "I feel like it's so early still" I yawn

"I mean it sounded like you lived your roaring twenties all last night" she jokes "you came back to the room at like three in the morning completely trashed like you were stumbling and shit I was gonna help you change out of your outfit, but you just got into bed and started snoring away so I left you alone" she says eying me up and down that explains the mess at least I think to myself while looking at my suitcase and clothes knocked all over the floor then up at Ren who's quietly snickering to herself.

She walks over and crouches down next to me "Listen, you're hungover from seriously drinking for like the first time since like ever" she jokes I lightly hit her as she continues "you go change into something more comfortable than the dress riding up your body showing everyone your undies, I'll get you an aspirin and some water for when you're done changing cause I know you probably have a splitting headache and you my sweet best friend get some rest" she says tapping the tip of my nose like an infant would, but following my friends advice I get up grabbing my oversized blue T-shirt and black shorts walking to the bathroom with the articles of clothing in my hand. I shut the door flinging my shoes to the side in a enormous pile that we have stacked up and peel my dress and bra off not wanting to deal with that either at the moment so I just toss that to the side also and quickly slip on my shirt and shorts feeling much more comfortable, then I throw my ratty, tangled hair in a bun and I grab my toothbrush starting to brush my teeth to get the nasty taste out of my mouth from all the tequila.

"Hey Y/N your phone just beeped" Ren said popping her head in the doorway

"Can you get it?" I ask with a moth full of toothpaste she nods her head disappearing back into the room.

"Y/N!" I hear her scream seconds later

"Christ, can you keep it down did you forget I have a headache like you wouldn't believe" I say after spitting my toothpaste out and wiping my mouth with the hand towel

"You drunk texted Shawn!" She shrieks then I sprint out of the bathroom to her side "No the fuck I didn't" I say facepalming myself. She doesn't respond to me as her eyes scan the screen reading my mistake of a text. I snatch the phone out of my hand and read the text

To Shawn: hey I know you probably hate me and all but I wanna let you know you were right about Bryce he was still talking to the same girl he cheated on me with. I like you a lot, more than I can bare I regret choosing that asshole over you and I know we only have a few days together still but if you wanna try and make something work come by my room tomorrow at 7 pm
*Read at 1:15 PM*

"Oh no no no no" I cry out dropping my phone on the bed regretting every drip of liquid courage that landed on my tongue last night. Ren quickly picks up the phone and finishes reading the text as she nears the end of of it her fists ball up and she is pissed

What the heck are we gonna do?" I cry out lookin at Ren worriedly "he read the fucking text what if he actually comes!" I complain Ren places her hands on my shoulders "Y/N?" She asks "yeah?" I return her question "did you mean all those things in that text" she continues "of course I did, but that was the alcohol talking" I furrow my eyebrows together while looking into her eyes "no it wasn't it was you subconscious talking, now if he comes then you're gonna talk it out and get your man but if he doesn't you had you chance and you screwed it up alright?" She says and I give her a confirming nod

"Alright now onto other matters I'm going to go beat that fucker Bryce's ass right now, you gave him the benefit of the doubt and he screwed you over again OH HELL NO" she says flickering her emotions into anger towards Bryce trying to storm off as her anger builds up but I quickly halt her while wincing at her shouting

"Ren, Listen I'm fine honestly it does even affect me I think I was done with him before we even got back together. Him and what's her face deserve each other they're both selfish and ignorant people" I say calmly she sighs slumping her shoulders I let go of her plugging my almost dead phone into the charger and walk over sitting on the edge of my bed putting the aspirin in my mouth and swallowing it with my water, drowsiness falls over me and I get back in bed fully sitting in my covers I call Ren over and pull her into a hug

"thanks for always taking care of me, weirdo" I smile "no problem if I wasn't here there would be no one to get your dumbass out of these situations" she laughs "technically if we're being honest you got me into one of them by bringing me here" I chuckle into her shoulder she gets up and kisses me on the forehead "get some rest party girl, I'm gonna run to the buffet and grab some food so you have some leave a quiet while regain your composure" she smiles walking out as I drift off

My eyes flutter open feeling so much better than being awaken miserably the first time my headache mostly gone, and my energy back up I sit up grabbing my glass of water and chugging the rest of it

"Ren?" I call out throwing my covers off myself a getting out of bed I walk over to the bathroom but the light is out she's nowhere to be found the only sound I hear in the empty room is the low volume on the tv and the sound of the waves crashing in the distance I walk back to my bed to see a note on our shared night table and I pick it up reading:

Gray, and I thought it would be a fun idea to dress up and go out to dinner on a FaceTime date and since you made the club seem pretty fun we're gonna hit there too have fun, and I hope your man shows up I'll be back no time soon

P.S the number for room service is on the card next to you I know your ass must be hungry :)

Your favorite bitch

I sigh remembering that Shawn might actually show up tonight, I doubt it but there's always a possibility throwing the note pad back on the night table I go over to my now fully charged phone checking the time that flashed on the screen it's six o'clock I groan to myself walking to the suitcase that Ren nicely picked up and grab jean shorts and keep my same shirt on and putting them on then I go over the the card Ren said the room service is on and order myself a burger and French fries which should be around a forty five minute wait in the mean time I decide to try and watch some tv.

I lost track of time flicking through the few English channels on the tv and hear a knock at my door quickly checking the time 6:43 just on time my delicious food had arrived

"One sec" I call out running to the safe with Ren and I's things in there I grab some money out for a tip and rub my hands together as I make my way to the doors. When I open it I see a face I thought I had a slim to no chance of seeing tonight

"I'm a little early I hope that's okay" Shawn says crossing his huge arms over his chest

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