Chapter 21

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I slowly open my eyes adjusting them to the light from the sun shining through the curtain windows, then I flip over looking at the beautiful boy peacefully sleeping next to me. He softly exhales causing his perfect lips to part making them more kissable by the second slowly I run my fingers through his hair combing the cute curls out of his face flicker open.

"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you" I whisper cupping my hand over my mouth

He gives me a tired smile and stretches in bed then turning his perfectly sculpted face and turning it towards mine

"It's alright babe, what time is it anyway?" He asks in a sleeping voice, but it's so raspy and sexy it makes me just wanna rip his clothes off right there and I definitely would but Ren is on the other side of the room sleeping with her mouth wide the fuck open. I lean over really fast grabbing my phone to check the time 10 o'clock, damn that's a little late considering today is our last together I kinda wanted to spend every possible second with him today.

"10 o'clock" I reply with a smile on my face

"Holy shit, that late" his eyes widen as he continues "being part of the entertainment crew I'm ready to start my day at 7 in the morning" he rubs his eyes then it hits him "HOLY FUCK I AM LATE FOR WORK" he screams jolting ren awake and she rolls off the side of her bed

"Yo buddy I don't mind you staying the night, but your ass does NOT scream while my ass is sleeping" she grumpily says as he's pulling his shirt over his head revealing his messy bed head and he runs over to me giving me a quick kiss on the cheek and running out the door for the pool but seconds later he runs back in and stops in front of me

"I love you, my precious damsel" he smiles kissing me again on the lips and resumes his sprint out the door while I just stand there smiling at the idiot I love to death.

"He's a piece or work, I'm telling ya" Ren says getting up off the ground and putting her arm around me "now let's get our asses some breakfast since this'll be our last day to pig the fuck out before leaving" she squeezes me and lets go so I can head over to my suitcase and grab my last good outfit, and I frown at the sight of my empty suitcase this trip was the most fun I've had in a while even though Bryce's shitty ass showed up, but he already went home and I can enjoy my last day with shawn by the pool. I slide my dark blue jeans up my hips buttoning them and pull my white crop top over my messy bun I'm not gonna bother to do, then I sit on the bed waiting for Ren to get her business done, aka having her morning talk with Grayson. I hear a knock at the door and I stand up walking over and opening it to see Shawn.

"Did you forget something?" I ask with a cheeky smile

"Josh surprised me by covering for me today so I can spend times with you which I love him for, but the dumbass forgot to tell me he was covering" he laughs while out of breathe I grab his hand a let him sit and relax while waiting for Ren.

"So what did I miss?" He asks grabbing my hands as I sit down next to him

"Nothing just waiting for this girl to get off the phone so we can head to the buffet to get some breakfast" I sigh while my stomach rumbles "as you can tell I'm starving" I laugh while rubbing my stomach "as you beloved boyfriend let me handle this" he says getting up. I can't help but smile he's my boyfriend I love that

Shawn walks over to the door and starts pounding on it and ren pops her head out

"Mendes, what the hell do ya want?" I hear her ask

"Listen I don't know what the fuck you're doing, but can you hurry up my girlfriend is hungry and wants breakfast" he says

"Listen I'm not hurrying up cause you told me to, I'm hurrying up cause Y/N and I need to stuff our faces" she says slamming the door shut

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