Bonus Chapter + Thank You

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I was young when I fell in love.

And before I fell in love with him I didn't believe there was such a thing.

I met him at school. I was just there to work, to make my parents and future children proud. But then I met him... and he turned my whole life upside down.

My dear, I would love to give you all the advice I could, but that's the thing with love. It's unexpected, sometimes when you think it will never happen is the exact time that it does.

This letter may never reach you. I may never even have children or a little girl, but I hope I will

And maybe I'll name you Nuyuri or Keilana or Adelina or maybe all three

Maybe you'll find love even earlier than me in high school

Or when you begin your career as a young lawyer or doctor

But whenever and whatever it is my darling, know this:

I will be with you every step of the way.

Love, Mom.

Lana sighed, she'd read this letter over and over throughout the years wondering when it'd be her turn to finally fall in love. Love like she saw in the movies, read about and her mother spoke about. And now she finally found it.

Everything she'd been through over the past few months with Elijah was insane. And now years later after they'd met she was in another place she'd never expected.

Sitting there in their apartment together on their mattress that didn't have a bed frame yet. Their one-bedroom, quaint apartment was unfinished, their furniture hadn't all come in yet and most of their things were still in boxes. But still, it was perfect. Maybe because they were together and that's all that mattered. And it reminded her of all the possibilites in their future together.

And almost more importantly, Girl was with them. Elijah's dog that had come to love Lana more, sitting in her lap. Lana set Girl down who followed her to the kitchen anyway. She began to clear up everuthing, Elijah's papers, his empty cup of black coffee and her MCAT prep books off the counter.

All the while thinking about how she was hardly able to believe everything they'd been through to get to this point.

And she'd do it all over again.

It was a nice quiet morning by herself with Girl to keep her company until--

"Crap, I'm late!"


"Good morning, my name is Elijah West--"

Lana burst through the door just as he began. And just like always, the entire class turned to look at her as she interrupted and so did Elijah. But this time Elijah wasn't a TA, he was the teacher and this was really his class. And the class wasn't filled with hundreds of students, but a couple of dozen college students.

But he made her so damn proud.

With an apologetic smile, Lana mouthed "I'm sorry" before taking a seat at the back. She watched his entire lecture and snuck in some snapshots for pictures she was going to keep forever and show Elijah when he was a full-blown PhD professor.

And watching him teach, a little nervous she was mesmerized. This is why so many of his students fell in love with him... including her.

When class was over, Lana walked towards him, a much different experience than when she did so in the large auditorium.

Midnight Study Sessions (TeacherxStudent) [Under Editing]Where stories live. Discover now