50 ~ Be Careful, I Bite.

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" G i r l   I would never" Jamie scoffed as she tapped the end of her pencil on her chin, thinking

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" G i r l   I would never" Jamie scoffed as she tapped the end of her pencil on her chin, thinking. But her answer still remained the same "Like never ever"

She leaned in, focusing her eyes on Lana "Olivia is his ex"

"Not his ex" Lana corrected, trying to make her self feel the slightest bit better.

"I'm sorry" Jamie scoffed "His mistress? His ex-sex mistress whatever you wanna call it" Jamie said "either way, she's the last person I'd go to"

"Well, I thought maybe if she could talk to Elijah, get through to him. Snap him out of his funk cause clearly I can't do it" Lana sighed

"You're a good girlfriend. Maybe a stupid one. But a good one, sacrificing for him like that"

But right now, Lana didn't feel like a good girlfriend. She just felt stupid. 

"Fuck" she groaned, slapping her hand to her face. "I am stupid, I might've just ruined my entire relationship, we never spend time together and now I've made it worse by sending him to his ex-sex mistress" 


Lana uncovered her eyes and gasped when she saw Elijah suddenly standing in front of her "H--Hi..." 

Elijah sat at the library table with them and leaned in towards Lana. "I'm having a study group tonight, you should come, Jamie's gonna be there right?"

"Right" Jamie agreed

"I don't think I can. I have to study"

"That's the whole point of a study group" Jamie laughed

"Yeah but you guys know I study better on my own or with one or two other people"

Elijah nodded "then maybe you can come to my office after everyone's gone and we can... study?" He asked her

Jamie's eyebrow arched "' study'?"  she giggled

Elijah kept his eyes on Lana, waiting for her reply. But by the way Jamie reacted she was pretty sure Elijah meant something other than 'study'.

"Yeah. Okay. I'll come after and we can... study" Lana swallowed

Elijah gave her a small smile. "Good," he said as he stood "Jamie. Don't be late" he warned

"Late? Who do you think I am, Lana?" She teased.

And once he was a good distance away Jamie turned to Lana "You're about to get it" she whispered, causing Lana to blush and giggle.

Midnight Study Sessions (TeacherxStudent) [Under Editing]Where stories live. Discover now