Chapter 1.

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Chapter contains
A death scene and language.
Meeka's POV
Washington D.C
P Street , 9:40 PM

"Get a fucking grip, Dad! I'm coming home!" this is the 8th time in an hour my dad has called me.
I wasn't supposed to leave the house tonight because I'm grounded for getting into a fight at school. Again.

A girl and her friends cornered me in the bathroom after chorus class and accused me of giving them dirty looks.
Bitch, I can't help where my glance goes.

I tried walking away peacefully, but one of the girls punched me in the face and talked shit about my family.
That's something she shouldn't have done, so I kicked her in the stomach and punched her in the nose.

She ran off crying and told a teacher.

The principle called my mom to come get me from school.
As usual, I got suspended for the fight I did not start. I'm ordered not to return for five days.

It was originally going to be for a month because of the others fights on my record, but Dad was able to get it reduced.

Not that I asked him to, but he did it anyway so we could get it over with.

I'm the daughter of a black police officer and a white mother. There are special privileges involved with having a parent in law enforcement, you can get out of trouble and other things. But the status is not all it is cracked up to be.

We live smack dab in the ghetto outside of Washington in a neighborhood called, P.Street. Or as I like to call it, "PISS STREET." There's gangs that frequent this place too.

The whole block hates us because we are a mixed-race family. But most of the hatred is directed at dad.

Dad, or should I say Officer Marcus Malone, is not the easiest man to get along with, on and off duty.

He has a ruthless attitude.

Right when I walked in the door from school, he cursed me out for causing all of this trouble.

Mom defended my actions, and said it wasn't all my fault.
I apologized to her, but not dad wasn't hearing none of it.
I'm grounded for three weeks as apart of the suspension.
I've been in my room for all day doing homework, but I forgot my lyrics book was at school in my locker.

I usually sneak out of my room when I'm on punishment, but I decided to ask mom for permission to avoid getting dad angry.

She told me it was fine because dad wasn't home yet, but to to call her if I needed a ride back.

Lately, our family has been the topic of controversy because of my big brother, Jordon.

He's joined a gang named, B.M.D (Blood.Money.Drugs).
This news sent my parents into shock.

Our dad in particular.

My brother and dad have never had a good relationship with each other.

The two of them are completely different people though they share the same blood and last name.

Before Jordon became a thug, he was a good kid. He played basketball and got decent grades, we were close too, but it was never enough to make dad proud of him.

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