chapter two

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the next day

emmas pov

i woke up at and looked at the time on my phone. it was 10.23 am. i thought i wasn't gonna get any sleep. i stayed up crying until 3 am last night. i still can't believe what happened. i mean obviously me and grayson were done. i haven't been on my phone since i left james's house yesterday. i checked my messages. grayson, ethan and james had all texted me. ethan was the most recent so i opened his messages.

ethan: hey

ethan: call me if you wanna talk

ethan: you also have my car

i smiled a little and then opened james's messages.

james: call me!

emma: i have ethans car, could you pick him up and come over so he can get it back?

after few minutes james replied yes and i let ethan know. i could talk to them once they are here, it's easier than texting.

i decided not to open grays texts and went downstairs to make myself coffee. after 40 minutes or so my doorbell rang. i quickly tied my hair into a ponytail and opened the door.

"hey" i said.

ethan and james both hugged me and came in.

"how are you?" james asked.

"not good." i replied.

i handed ethan his car keys and we all walked upstairs and sat on my bed.

"so is he like gonna go out with this girl now or what?" i asked.

"honestly, i don't even know."

"i had no idea he was texting her until just yesterday so i know nothing more than you." ethan explained.

"why wouldn't he tell you" james questioned

"he probably didn't want this to happen." ethan said and put his hand on my back. i put my head on his shoulder. i could tell i was about to cry so i raised my head and immediately thought of something.

"wait. what about our videos? i mean we don't have anything to post tomorrow and we already tweeted we were filming together. now we have nothing to post and messed up out schedules."

we all looked at each other.

"me and gray have some videos we never posted, so we can just edit one of those." ethan said and looked at me and james.

"i don't have anything, but i'll just post friday then." james said

i had nothing as well.

"i'm really sorry guys, i should've stayed and filmed but instead i just left."

"no, we get it." ethan said

"yeah, the videos wouldn't be good anyway if all if us weren't in the mood to film them." james smiled.

i nodded. i decided i should tweet about not having video up and so did james.

james charles @jamescharles
no video tomorrow, don't worry i'll figure out something great for friday!

emma @emmachamberlain
no sister squad vid tomorrow. sorry.

james left around 4 pm cause he had a meeting. i was laying in my bed with ethan. we had a good conversation about me and grayson and he really made me feel better. after few hours he went to get me ice cream.

as ethan was getting me ice cream i couldn't help but think what he said yesterday when he was talking to gray.

no. you can't do that to emma, she doesn't deserve it.

and how he was the first and the last person to text me. how he made me smile even tho he knew i was sad. how he held me when i put my head on his shoulder. how he stayed here with me and how he went to get me ice cream.

what does this mean? he is just being a good friend. but why do i think about this so hard? why couldn't i just let him be a good friend?

ethans pov

i was out getting emma ice cream when gray texted me.

gray: dude, what video are we uploading tomorrow and when are you coming home?

ethan: we have that one were we prank called our friends but we never uploaded it remember?

gray: yeah, i'll edit it.

gray: when are you coming home?

ethan: idk emma is still kinda upset.

gray: yeah well just stay there then

this might seem like i'm not a good brother, but i was there for grayson yesterday after emma left and this morning before i came here. i could never ditch gray for anything. ever. and trust me when i say i wanted to be there right now, doing something funny with him and helping him figure out what to do now. but something inside me is keeping me from going home and.. as much as i don't understand it, i don't mind it either.

i got the ice cream and drove back to emma's place. before i got out of my car, i checked twitter. i went to see the replies on emmas tweet.

james also tweeted not having a video for tomorrow

they were all supposed to film together and now there are no videos to post

wonder what happened between them

is this the end of the sister squad?

i got off my phone and the car. i knew everyone were gonna question our friendship after this. even i do a little bit.

i opened emmas door and walked upstairs. she was sleeping in her bed. i slowly and quietly layed next to her so she wouldn't wake up. she must've bee really tired cause she fell asleep before it was even 9 pm. i was on my phone for awhile and she seemed like she wasn't gonna wake up anytime soon.

i took the ice cream from her bedside table cause it would melt if i left it there. i opened it and ate it. i would take her out to eat breakfast or something tomorrow so it'll make up for this.

after i finished eating, i layed
down more comfortably, shut my eyes and fell asleep next to her.

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