chapter three

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emmas pov

it's been a month since me and grayson broke up. im deffffinitely feeling better, mostly because ethan was there for me at all times. i've only seen grayson once after that day, and i only said hi. i also never replied to his messages he sent me after our fight. all i know is that he has been out on a date a few times with that girl we broke up over, jess. he did text me asking if it was okay with me if he asked her out before he did. i thought that was nice of him. to be honest i don't really mind anymore. i don't miss him like that, not anymore. but i do miss being friends with him. a lot. we haven't been hanging out all together in a month. i've seen james and ethan, mostly ethan, but that's it. i really do miss all of us being together, laughing and having the time of our lives. our fans have also been wondering when we were gonna post the videos we filmed, or didn't. i decided i would text to the sister squad group chat, which has been dead for the past month.

emma: hey

ethan: hi

grayson: what's up?

emma: um nothing i guess

james: so this group chat does still exist

ethan: apparently

emma: so i was thinking

emma: maybe we should hangout or something idk

james: i'm down

grayson: sure

ethan: if that's okay with you then yea

james: how about today?

grayson: me and e aren't doing anything

ethan: emma?

emma: yea, where?

grayson: you and james can come to our place we can order food

emma: sounds good, i'll be there in 20 minutes

james: me too

after i ordered an uber i locked my phone and got out of bed. if i'm being completely honest, i was a bit nervous to see grayson after all this time. i don't know what to say or how to act around him.

i was sitting in my uber. i'm so nervous, why am i so nervous? i just hope this isn't going to be super awkward.

as my uber was pulling up to the twins driveway, i saw james getting out of his uber. i got out and ran up to james.

"hey sister!" i shouted and scared the shit out of him.

he turned around.

"i hate you" he said as he hugged me.

we walked to the front door and knocked.

"it's open!" they yelled

me and james walked in and to the living room.

"heyyyy!" i said and hugged ethan. after that i hugged grayson. it was a bit awkward but it's fine i guess.

we all ordered food and talked about stuff that's been going on lately. after a few hours i got up and walked to the kitchen to get some water. grayson came to me.

"how are you?" he asked.

"i'm actually doing fine." i smiled.

"that's good. i want you to know that i never meant to hurt you, and there was nothing going on between me and jess at the moment. we were just friends." he explained.

"i know. i'm not mad at you, at all."

we both were quiet for awhile.

"i missed us. being able to talk i mean, as friends." he said.

"me too." i smiled.

we walked to the living room.

ethan and james were laughing at something.

"what are you guys laughing at?" gray asked.

neither of them stopped laughing so grayson grabbed ethans phone and looked at it.

"what the fuck?" i laughed.

"so this is what happens when we were in the kitchen for five minutes." grayson said

while me and grayson were talking in the kitchen james apparently tought ethan how to twerk. lol.

it was 9.14pm.

"do you guys wanna stay for the night?" ethan asked.

"sure." i replied.

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