Westernisasi; Larasati Feronika (11)

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Theme :  Social
By : Larasati Feronika (11)

On the break time

Intan meets Laras and Fira at school garden they decide to have a little chat.

Intan : Hi Laras! Hi Fira!

Laras : Hi Intan!

Fira : Hi Intan. How are you today?

Intan : I am good thank you. How about you?

Laras and Fira : we both good. Thank you

Intan : Guys, listen to me do you know westernization?

Laras and Fira : We don't know, Intan! How about you?

Intan : Oh, I know westernization is a westernized cultural influence. The causes of westernization is advancement of technology,development of times association,lack of supervision from parents, modern lifestyles.

Laras : If so what is the impact of westernization ?

Intan : The impact caused by westernization is consumptive lifestyles,hedonism,fading manners,promiscuity,not loving deep products.

Laras : Thank you Intan for the explanation about westernization.

Intan : Okay, you are welcome.

Conslusion : One must be able to address the influence of westernization properly and wisely.

CAUSE AND EFFECTTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang