Forest Fires; Friska Arwinda D (09)

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Theme :  Scientific
By : Friska Arwinda Dirgantara (09)

On Friday morning. Sella meets Gerald at Bentara Wacana Senior High School. The decide to have a little chat in the class room.

Sella : Hi Gerald

Gerald : Hi Sella

Sella : Gerald, yesterday I read a news in National Geography Chanel, about forest fires in Borneo. Do you know what causes the forest fires?

Gerald : wow that's terrible. I watched forest fires a news televisions this morning. I think it's very dangerous.

Sella : yes, the forest fires happened suddenly

Gerald : forest fires usually occur due to several factors including human carelessness, cigarettes butt, fire at the compsite, volcanic activity, and long dry.

Sella : how do you know about the cause of the forest fire?

Gerald : I found out from the geography book that my father gave me.

Sella : lots of effect that occur from the death of animals, animals have not sheller, floods, air pollution.

Gerald : that's terrible right? I hope that it will be a lesson for all of us

Sella : yesof course, and the government must be responsive to such accidents and try toprevent the effects that occur in the future.

CAUSE AND EFFECTTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang