Vandalism; Dimas Rizqi D S (06)

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Theme :  Social
By : Dimas Rizqi Diva S (06)

In the afternoon Sunday, Dimas meet Gatra at Basketball court SMA BENTARA WACANA. They decide to have a little chat.

Dimas : Hello bro!

Gatra : Hi mas:)

Dimas : Bro,listen to me I watch TV 4 about vandalisme

Gatra : What is that vandalisme?

Dimas : Vandalisme is the action involving deliberate destruction of or damage to public or privat property

Gatra : How can vandalisme occur?

Dimas : The causes of vandalisme are in wide range of people's perspective, it can be due to petty reasons like being cool in the group of friends, or being bad boy image, or by just being bored

Gatra : Oh yes I know. What effect about vandalisme?

Dimas : The impact of vandalisme is sometimes negative also. Suppose, a certain individual express himself by vandalizing his chair through random scribbling which is owned by government or by private sector, the problem lies on visual pollution or the problem of too many unecessary remarks on our surrounding that makes one thing dirty or distractive

Gatra : Hmmm... what conclusion about vandalisme?

Dimas : In my opinion, vandalisme problem lies on visual pollution or the problem of too many unecessary remarks on our surrounding that makes one thing dirty or distractive

Gatra : Oh yes i know. Thank you Dimas for inform

Dimas : Your welcome

Gatra : See you again Mas

Dimas : See you again

CAUSE AND EFFECTTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang