Part 1 - Doing my best

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Channel 5

We all have heard the sad news is that the king has died tonight, the news about his sickness was made public two weeks ago. No one ever thought it would go this quick, his son will take over the kingdom. We never have actually seen the prince only at the times when he was just a little kid, his crowning is going to be live on tv. Will his son be the same king as the king we have known and loved for years, we wish of course Prince Hoseok a lot of luck with ruling over us and may luck be on his side. Since last year the luck wasn't really found by the royal family, first his mother getting killed by a attack on the royal family, his grandmother that was shot too but was taken to the hospital lost her life because of her wounds two weeks later. The only one who he has been around him now is his grandfather and the maids, guardsmen and other palace staff.

"Your Highness I have your breakfast ready?" You say on the other side of the door, it's been a whole mess these two weeks after the king died and his son while he didn't take it to seriously. It's hard to forget everything when the death of your father has been yesterday but right now he is the king and he already needs to act like one. "Your Highness?" You knock again on the door but you don't hear any sound coming from inside, you place the try of food next to the door and you open the door to his bedroom slowly. It's still dark in his room, you sigh by yourself and you open the door further. You walk to the curtains and open them, behind you you hear someone moving in his bed. You make your way over to the door and pick up the try and you bring it over to his bed where he is still sleeping or so you thought.

"Why is it always you who is waking me?"

"I am sorry to disappoint you again Your Highness but I am just doing my job and that reminds me that you need to do that yours too, you can't stay in bed all day."

"I can I am THE king."  He smiles at you holding his eyes closed.

"Yeah a fabulous king you are indeed." You say with sarcasm.

"Are you going to stand there or are you going to do something."

"Well if you do I can do the things I normally did when the real king was on his throne, I get that you are sad or what ever but we all are. But you can't act like this forever, I am not your personal slave I am your advisor!"

"Yeah I know my father liked you but that doesn't mean I have to Miss Kal!"

"I don't care if you fire me but it's my responsibility to get you out off your bed and let you do your duties instead of me, you need to show your face to the people even when they don't know you they are very worried?" You putt the try with food on his nightstand and you take the covers off of him. "Please Hoseok come out of it and do your job." He opens his eyes and looks at your begging eyes.

"Nope." He says turning his back at you, you throw your hands in the air and let out a big sigh.

"In four hours I am standing in the front garden to speak to the press, if you have the time you can come."

"Is it coming on Tv?" He mumbles over to you, you look next to you and get the first thing you see what's luckily for him it's a pillow you throw it at him.

"You are a asshole you know, on paper you maybe be the king of this country but you never will be mine. I promised your father something when I was next to him when he died, I maybe to young or whatever reason you have against me but I wish you where the person your father thought you where. I feel disgusted that I know your true nature and that I couldn't tell your father that." You walk out his room feeling relieved with all you have said to him.

You are not my KING (Hoseok x reader)Where stories live. Discover now