Part 5

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"I am sorry Hoseok." I say and I take a pen that was laying next to me and I sign next to the signature of his father. "It's for the kingdom." I seal the envelope with my stamp and lay the envelope on my desk as the stranger told me to, I walk out of my office to the guards room to see if I can talk to Taeyoon.

"Hellooo!" I knock on the door and call over to the guards are sitting at the table in the room.

"Aah Miss Kal aren't you early, I thought you would come this afternoon." One of the guards speak to me as he turns around in his chair.

"Yes I was but with the celebration day is coming close by but have you guys seen Taeyoon?"

"No he is not here I thought he said he was going to go the rose garden, apparently the king was going to visit the garden ."

"Okay thank you Tom I will look there." I wave them goodbye and walk over to the back of the castle to the rose garden, the rose garden is placed in the back of the garden. It's a peaceful place I visit that garden a lot with Hoseok when I just worked at the castle, he took me there a lot to talk about things what bothers him. I make my way over to the garden and I see Taeyoon standing by the entrance. "Hey Taeyoon?!" I call over at him, he turns around and smiles at me.

"Hey (Y/n) what are you doing here are you not supposed to be home, it's still to early for you to walk around the castle?" He laughs as I walk closer.

"It is but I have so much work to do that I decided to come sooner, I actually wanted to talk to you for a moment do you have time?"

"Yeah sure I am keeping a eye on Hoseok anyway so I am free now."

"And where is a Hoseok than?" I look into the garden and I don't see him anywhere.

"What!" He walks into the garden and looks around, he sighs as he sees him standing in the back. "(Y/n)! Seriously did you have to do that." He sits down on the nearest bench, I sit next to him and look over in the distance where Hoseok is standing.

"So how long has he been here?"

"A couple of hours, he has been locked up in his office the whole morning after he was finished he asked me to take him to the garden. He knows even in the castle he needs someone to walk after him, so I took him here but this is not what you wanted to talk about is it?"

"No I wanted to ask you if there where any visitors on the list?"

"No not that I know off, why do ask?"

"Nothing for you need to worry about but if there are coming any visitors on the list that are coming in the castle can you please give me there names before hand?"

"Why? You never worried about matter before, it's not even your job to do that?"

"Like I said before you don't need to worry I only need your answer if you can give the information like that to me, I really need it."

"I will tell the one responsible for it to pass the information to you but for how long?"

"For now until the ball."

"Why do I get the feeling you are not telling me everything?"

"Don't worry Taeyoon it's nothing just give me the information and it's fine, I will see you around." I say standing up.

"Ooh (Y/n) wait." I stop and turn around.


"Did you speak with Yoongi lately?"

"Yes today why?"

"I guess you know about the orphanage than?"

I look down as I think back at what Yoongi told me. "Yes I do, I will find a way to safe the houses."

You are not my KING (Hoseok x reader)Where stories live. Discover now