Part 6

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"Your welcome Your Highness." She bows, Yoongi stands there not knowing what he should do. "Come lets go eat, I smell the food trucks from here. Oooh and Hoseok stay close to me there will be a lot of paparazzi to take a photo of you."

"Are you concerned about me now. you should have started like this in the beginning."

"Hoseok just....please stay close to me, if something happens to you I am responsible for you."

"Fine." I say walking next to her Yoongi walks on the other side of her and we walk into the city, the city is decorated beautifully. Everyone did so hard his best, I better thank some of them. I look next to me and (Y/n) is smiling as she looks at the decoration, Yoongi is whispering things to her as she points at the decoration. I look angry in her direction but she turns to me with a smile and I smile automatic.

"Hoseok I made these one here with Yoongi and the kids from the orphanage, every year we also sell cookies with them to get some money for the orphanage." I see sadness in her eyes but she quickly shakes her head, she takes my hand and leads me to the tent where they sell the cookies.

"Look it's (Y/n) and Yoongi!" One of the kids screams and points at us, the rest turns around and run over to us. They surround her as they dance around her, Yoongi moves closer to me.

"She always been close to all those kids from orphanage she helps them always with baking the cookies, she hadn't time this year. I don't know how close you are with her Your Highness but she always speaks highly of you and she likes that you came here with her."

"It didn't looked like she enjoyed me being here with you and her."

"(Y/n) has always trouble to show her emotions after she was left by her parents, it's hard for her to open up but I can see that she deeply cares about you. And that's not because you our king but you as a person."

"Thank you for telling me this, she most of the time she says things but she always hold something back. Does no one know who her real parents are?"

"No not that anyone told me, she always told me what she knew and that was not much. She was left by the orphanage with nothing, she grew up on the street because at the time the house was full. They took care of her until she could take care of herself, when there was place they would pick up children from the streets. Luckily she was one of those kids, when she could go to school that's the time where I met her. It took her almost 4 years to tell me this story of her and I think by hearing your question that you didn't know this."

"She doesn't really talk about herself in that aspect, when I try she starts a new subject."

"That's (Y/n), she hasn't changed when it comes to strangers."

When Yoongi said stranger I felt hurt, I had hoped I was more than just a friend for her but being called a stranger I felt really hurt. The children called for Yoongi and he walked over to them and looked with them at the fresh baked cookies, the people in the city looked at me like I didn't belong here but they didn't say anything. What they did do was greeting (Y/n) with a smile or a small hug, everyone knew her for some reason. I couldn't help myself from smiling as I saw how she was playing with the childeren, you could see they loved her for who she was.

"(Y/n) when are you going to visit us again." A kid asked her.

"Yeah we miss you, we are growing tired by always seeing Yoongi." Yoongi hits the boy playfully and the little boy begins to laugh.

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