Chapter 1

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I was sitting on a bench at a bus stop, with no idea how I got there or why, only that I was supposed to be there. My head hurt and my mind was fuzzy, and I couldn't remember anything.

I was on the corner of an intersection in the middle of  a white picket fence kind of neighborhood.  There were a few kids out on the sidewalks on their way to school with their brightly colored backpacks.

Frantically, I searched my brain for something that would make sense of the situation. Was I on my way to school? And if so, why couldn't remember? This is what I came up with:
My name was Ella.That's where the personal information ended. I was waiting for a buss that would take me where I belonged, where there would be other kids like me. That's where the situational information ended. I had abilities that no one could know the full extent of, and if someone, though I couldn't remember who,  found out, they would gladly kill me because of it. I was in danger at all times.

I struggled to remember what these abilities were. Super Genius? Incredible speed? No, those weren't it... Then it hit me: I could control the elements.

The sudden realization of these powers shocked me. And it must have shown on my face, because when the bus finally pulled up, the driver, a fat man with long black dreadlocks, was happy to comment on it.

"Whoa! You look like you just saw a ghost!" I said nothing just stared at him. "Well, are you coming aboard or not?"

I nodded dumbly and climbed onto the bus. Only one seat was open, so I sat down alone. The whole time I could hear the other kids whispering about me: Who's the freak? Her hair looks like it ran into Edward Scissor Hands! What's with her clothes?

The bus was small and cramped, almost entirely filled with other kids. The seats were ripped and grimy, but no one seemed to care. The bus stank of body oder, but then again, it was full of teens.

As soon as I looked at my reflection in the window, I understood what they were talking about. My pale blonde hair was cropped short at an odd diagonal slope, so one side was longer than the other. A dark bruise covered one of my dark green eyes and stood out against my fair complexion. My clothes didn't fit me and were shredded in many places. Whoever had taken the time to dump me at the bus stop sure could have helped me out a little bit more with my appearance. I wondered who would've left me at a bus stop without any memory.

A few minutes into the drive, the driver announced,"We have one stop left and its off to The Haven!" All the other kids cheered, which drew my attention to them. My taunters had no right to make fun of me, the way they were dressed. Some of them were wearing homemade superhero costumes, and others had clothes almost as bad as my own, but without any places as badly ripped. They were all roughly fifteen. If I had to guess from my own appearance, I was the same age as the rest of them.

One girl, among the few wearing normal clothes, saw me studying the other kids and asked," What are you looking at, freak?" causing me to turn away as the bus came to a halt. She had dark brown hair with a green streak through it, and cold grey eyes. She was pale, but not as much as I was. She wore a green tank top and a black skirt that barely reached her knees.

"Is this the bus for The Haven?" A girl's voice asked. She climbed aboard and sat in the only open space: right next to me. She was an Indian girl, the same age as the rest of us, and had a musical voice with a slight accent. She was very beautiful, and the only things that weren't perfect about her were were violet eyes, that were pretty but very unnerving, and a splash of blue paint across her face. Her eyebrows were perfectly shaped, but still appeared natural. Her hair was long and sleek against her purple dress.

"What's the matter? Do I have something in my hair?" Came her voice, and made me realize I had been staring at her.

"What- Oh, no. But you do have something on your face," I replied, laughing a bit at the end. Her strange eyes grew wide, and she quickly wiped off the paint using the reflection in the window.

"Thanks for that. I'm Anita," She smiled at me.

"Ella, and no problem. Hey, do you know what this "Haven" place is that everyone keeps talking about? I'm a bit confused," I said as she shot me a questioning look.

"The Haven? You don't know what it is? Then how on earth did you get here? Wait" she said, cutting me off before I could answer her questions,"You asked first. The Haven is short for the Hero Haven. It's a boarding school for super hero kids whose parents don't want them anymore. Ok, now it's your turn. How did you get here if you don't know what The Haven is?"

"No clue. All I know is my name, that I'm supposed to be on this bus, and a few other things." Her eyes widened as she took that in.

"So you have no idea where you came from, who your parents are, or who you are? Ok then, I guess a bit of info on your new school would be helpful for you." She fished around in a black knit purse that had previously been on her shoulder. She pulled out a pamphlet titled "The Haven: A safe place for heroes everywhere". On the first page was a picture of the school and a summary of what the school was all about.

The Haven is a high end boarding school for kids with special abilities. We train these children to become incredible super heroes over a two year period with a vacation over the three summer months. We have many social activities such as dances, dorm building games, and more. Seventy eight percent of graduates become the great heroes of the future.

The picture showed one huge main building that looked more like the home of a billionaire than a school building. The caption said that this held most of the classrooms in the school. Another picture showed a building described as a "state of the art gymnasium" that looked like an average school gym. Behind it was a track that surrounded a field of well manicured grass. Around the track were rows of bleachers, in turn surrounded by individual houses, which the pamphlet explained were the dorms.

Before I could read further, I was interrupted by the bus driver.

"All right kids. We're entering a tunnel now, so no moving around, and no using your powers. Just hold on tight. We will be arriving at The Haven shortly," The bus fell silent instantly. Suddenly, everything went dark, and the bus lurched forward suddenly. Bright flashing lights surrounded us, and then...


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this first chapter of Elements.

Just so you know, I base Ella's powers off of a few modified Pokemon types: fire, water, life, ground, rock, metal, electric, and ghost.

If you have a cover for my story, please let me know. Eight now it's just a pic off google.

Thanks for reading! please leave a comment or a vote for this first chapter! Much love!


Edit (10/8/16): This story was NOT based on Sky High! At the time I began writing this story, I had never watched Sky High. Any relation between the two is entirely coincidental, as well as any relation between characters and events with real life or other works of fiction. Thank you 😊

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