Chapter 6

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"Shoot! He must have heard about the fight between May and I," I exclaimed after Ms. Wren had left. I had no idea what punishments were like at this school, but if I had to go last to lunch for not having any memories, I hated to think of what might happen over a fight!

"It's the first day," Anita smiled at me,"They won't be too hard on you," She seemed so sure. I hoped she was right! "You had better go now though. Ms. Wren said immediately and she might already be back at the office!"

I sighed and headed for the door. Hopefully Anita was right.

As I walked, I took my the surroundings. The dorm building resembled a snowflake; It had a circular living room in the middle, and hallways leading off to the bedrooms and the exit. Students were milling around in the living room, getting to know one another and discussing the subjects that would be taken at the school. They weren't your average math and science!

I plodded across the campus to the office. It was hot and stuffy, so I summoned a breeze to cool me off.

"See May, her eyes are grey! I saw her myself, and I would remember orange eyes!" A voice came from my left, in a classroom with an open door. May and a boy stood in the doorway.

"No, I strictly remember them being orange when she hit me..." Her own eyes narrowed at me as she spoke. I ignored them and continued walking. I had better things to do.

As I walked however, what they said began to nag me. My eyes were green, not grey or orange! Then, like a lightning strike to my brain, I remembered: my eyes changed from green when I commanded different elements: orange for fire, grey for wind, blue for water, pale green for life, brown for rock and ground, yellow for electricity, and black for metal.

I realized then that my memory could be retrieved; it just had to be triggered by something. I pondered this until I arrived at the office.

"... do you intend to tell the child how you relate to her past? I saw the look on your face when you saw her come into the office! Don't act like you don't know what I am talking about Carolin!" Mr. Estel's voice came from his office. My ears perked up at this, for I felt sure they were speaking about me.

"Her memory must come back on its own! If we try to push her, you never know what might happen! I know of a child that lost their memories that killed themselves because everyone expected them to be someone they were not. I will not wish that upon my Ella." Ms. Wren's voice now carried through the door in place of Mr. Estel's. My Ella? How did this lady know me?!

"Nor will I, but the child-" Mr. Estel was cut off by his secretary.

"There is a student here to see you," she had poked her head through the door. "Should I send her in?" He must have nodded, because I was being led into the office and Ms. Wren was being led out of it.

"Now Ella, I hope I didn't keep you waiting?" Aka: What did you hear? I decided that my eavesdropping probably wasn't the best thing for the principal to know about.

" I had just walked up when your secretary sent me in," I lied. A look of relief passed over his face.

"Good. Now I'm sure you know why I've asked you to come here. You had a fight with May," He looked at me expectantly, waiting for me to explain myself.

"I swear I didn't want to fight her, but she was using her powers on me. So I retaliated so I could escape the situation. I promise I didn't want to fight anyone!" It poured out of my mouth and I couldn't stop it.

"I have no doubt that you didn't start the fight. I am confused, however, as to why you decided to show off your powers to the entire school." He raises an eyebrow and waited for an answer. I gave none, only a questioning look.

"When you left a burn on May's cheek that is now starting to blister? When you went flying through the air and landed perfectly balanced an in your feet? Other students noticed these things. You weren't very discrete!" He turned to look out the window and continued his speech. "I promised to keep your secret, but what about your teachers? In gym you'll have to use your powers daily. How do you plan to hide your powers then?"

I thought for a moment, then replied: "In gym I will choose one element to focus on, then I'll see if my teacher can help me train the others in private in my free time. As for the fight, there isn't much I can do about the soft landing, but if I get close enough I can heal the burn on May's cheek." He turned back from the window to look at me. He nodded the dismissed me without another word.

As I left, I heard him say, "Send Ms. Wren back in. Tell her I won't force anything on the child in question." to his secretary. I left the office and returned to the dorm building, my head spinning with questions.


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