Chapter 7

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By the time I returned to the dorm room, lights out had been called five minutes ago. The time I had spent in the office had given me enough questions to keep me pondering for weeks: How did Ms. Wren tie in to my past? What element would I choose for class tomorrow? How could I hide my powers after the show I had put on that day in the cafeteria?

When I walked in to the room, I was surprised to find Anita still awake. She looked truly worried about me.

"What happened? Are you in trouble?" Her violet eyes stared at me.

"No" I sighed. "Everything is fine, but a few things... Came up." She tilted her head, her face now full of curiosity. I quickly explained what had happened in the hallway and the office, careful to leave out the parts about my powers.

She looked down at her hands, that were folded in her lap. She said nothing at first, but then said softly, "Ella, I know that you're trying to keep your powers a secret. I don't think it was a mistake that you failed to mention them to me on the bus, or that you wouldn't answer and any if my questions," She looked up at me know, a small smile on her face. "I get it if you don't want to tell anyone, but if you need help tomorrow keeping it a secret in our classes, I need to know what your powers are."

With that, she went to the bathroom to change and then crawled in to bed. I did the same, and lie on my bed staring at the wall. I thought about what all had occurred that day, and about the only girl at the school who seemed to care about me.

"I control the elements," I my voice came out as a hoarse whisper slicing in to the darkness. "And tomorrow I have decided to use the life element in class, to explain the apple May saw. You don't have to help me with anything, but all I ask is that you don't tell anyone." I stopped then, waiting for a response.

"Don't worry Ella. I'll keep your secret," She whispered back in the darkness.

Anita had offered me a hand up this mountain, and now I could begin to climb.


"Listen up!" Our gym teacher, Mrs. Clair, shouted across the room. Immediately we all fell silent. Anita stood by my side, because fortunately, dorm mates received matching schedules. Unfortunately, May was in the same class.

"I am your teacher, NOT your friend. I am not a counselor, I am not a diary. I am here to instruct you on how to train your powers. If you want to succeed in this class, you will do as I say. My decision is the only decision. For all I care, you can sit in the office all period if you don't agree. ARE WE CLEAR?" She glared out across the floor.

"Yes Coach Clair!" We all responded in unison, scared into a quick reaction.

"Very Good. Now, let's get started. All of you will head out the doors behind you and line up on the track. Except for one of you, Ms.... Ella. You will come with me. For those of you on the track, you WILL NOT use your powers until instructed by myself to do so. Am I making myself clear?" The class nodded in response and headed out the doors. Anita hesitated when I stayed back, but left when I shooed her off.

"So," she said looking at me," you're the special one, hmm? The one the principal told me about?" I inhaled sharply at this.

"Yes, I am, and I get that you don't want to give special treatment to anyone, but-" She cut me off and her eyes, previously harsh and commanding, softened to show an actual human being inside of her.

"It's ok. I know what it's like to need help and not get it." She pulled a small silver key and a map of the school from her jacket pocket. "There's a fenced off area behind the main building and the cafeteria. Meet me there for some training in your first two hours of free time." She smiled at me, then she and I walked to the doors to the many waiting students outside the door.

I walked over to Anita, who sent me a questioning look. However, before I could answer, Coach Clair began to explain our assignment. "Your goal is simple: reach the finish line before the other students. However, there is a twist. Each student will be allowed to use their powers to boost themselves forward or push their opponents back." I surveyed the faces around me as she spoke. Some looked very confident. Others, however, looked as if they had already lost.

Coach Clair continued "There are some rules, however. Teleporters can only go five feet at a time, and flying kids, you have to stay above the track. If you harm another student with your powers, I will be forced to take away all of your points for the day. Everyone got that?" Gone was the woman who had spoken to me alone inside. She was back to the dictator from before.

We lined up at the track and listened for her signal.


The race had begun.

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