Chapter 2

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It was like free falling through darkness, with no wind and no way to tell when you were going to hit the ground. I could no longer see Anita across the seat from me, and there was no seat beneath me. There was no me at all.

I tried to scream, but no sound came out. Desperate for the nothing to end, I continued to scream. And suddenly there it was, my scream, as well as the seat and my body and the many pairs of eyes staring at me.

I fell silent as the girl who called me a freak earlier laughed at me, saying," What's the matter? Afraid of the dark?". I looked away and out the window, only to see endless blue. No, wait, was that sand? It was!

The bus had some how gotten onto an island with the largest school I had ever seen. The parking lot was filled with busses just like ours, and students were pouring out of every one of them. We had arrived at The Haven.

"Please file into the gym on your left, students! Once everyone gets here Mr. Estel, our principle, will give you a welcome speech and further instructions," Came the voice of a middle aged woman across the courtyard as we climbed off the bus. Her voice had carried impossibly far, and she had no tool to help her. I realized her powers must have helped her reach all the students as she spoke again. "Oh good! Our last bus has arrived. Welcome to Hero Haven!"

The gym was packed. Kids barely had enough room to stand, and those who could hovered above the others to escape the crowd. I saw a few from our own bus do the same. The gym itself was a huge rectangle. The two shorter ends had large doors: the ones we had entered through from the courtyard and doors that, according to the pamphlet, led to the cafeteria. The majority of the gym was covered by a large hardwood floor that most would expect a basketball court to be painted onto. Along the walls were long rows of metal bleachers.

Anita And I had just sat down on the floor near the back when a balding man emerged onto the makeshift stage that had been set up in the front of the gym that I assumed was Mr. Estel. He was in his forties if I had to guess, with wire framed glasses and grey hair that could only be seen Just above his ears. He wore a white dress shirt and brown slacks, and held a clipboard to make him look even more like the average principal.

"Hello young heroes! Welcome to The Haven! I am sure you all are excited to start demonstrating your powers and receive your dorm assignments, so I'll keep this brief. You are all here to receive an education in the art of being a hero. You will take six classes here:gym, monsters and mayhem, technology, mad science, history of heroes, and allies and enemies. You will eat breakfast before classes at eight in the morning. After classes end you will have lunch, then four hours of free time before dinner. In this time you can hone your powers in the gym, seek out tutoring in your classes, or work on your artistic skills in the art and music rooms. Then comes Dinner and a campus activity or competition where each dorm will choose a representative to participate in. After that, it's dorm time until lights out at ten. Alright, now that that's out of the way, lets start calling people to demonstrate their powers and get dismissed to lunch," He then listed off a series of names.

The kids lined up on stage and showed him their powers one by one, then collected their dorm assignments and left for the cafeteria. Some kids flew laps around the room. Others turned into animals, created things out of thin air, or teleported around the room. But the most amazing one was Anita's.

She said they she could create an illusion that would trick people's hearing and sight. To prove her statement, she created an exact copy of Mr.Estel, who gave us the exact same speech that the real principal had given us spin arrival in the gym. After her illusion was finished speaking, she snatched her dorm assignment out of our principals hands and walked out of the room. The fake Mr. Estel disappeared once she was gone, while the real Mr. Estel stared after her, speechless. Once he recovered, he made a few quick notes, and called the next student up.

I didn't know then, but I was to be last, because my name wasn't on the list.

"Clair Waters?" No one stood. "Waters? Hello? I was hoping that I wouldn't have to do this today. Ok kids, sit when I call your name," One by one, every student sat but me. "Name?" He asked me.

"Ella" I replied. He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Ella who? What's your last name?"

"I don't have one. I'm just Ella," This enticed a fit of giggles from the other students, but neither he nor I were smiling.

"Don't be smart with me young lady. I will not have people being out of control or sarcastic in my school. Thanks to your mouth, you get to go last to lunch. I hope you had a big breakfast!" At this the children fell silent.

" I'm not being rude. I really don't have a last name!" I cried out. I had no idea when the last time I ate had been, but based on the sounds that my stomach was making, it hadn't been recently.

"Sit down 'just Ella'" He glared down at me. Frustrated, I sat.

As more kids went out to lunch, I glanced around the room. The crowd was much smaller than it had been before. Only six kids left. Four. Two. Finally it was my turn.

" Alright Ella. You're up. Care to share why you're not on this list first?" Mr. Eskel stared down at me, the only person left in his gym.

"I have no idea. I can only remember as far back as this morning at the bus stop. I remember my name, powers, and that I'm supposed to be here." He considered this for a moment, then spoke again.

"So you don't know your last name? Sounds like you had your memory wiped... Or you have amnesia. Well, we'll sort this out later. For now, show me your powers." I shook as I climbed onto the stage and prepared to command the elements. I had no idea how I would do so, only that I could only succeed if my instincts took over.


Hey guys! This one's a little longer than the first, to make up for the next one that's really short😁. Sorry for that!

Will Ella remember how to use her powers? MWUAHAHAHAHAHA! You'll have to keep reading to find out! Sorry that sounded corny...

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