Chapter 16

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I stand looking over the bridge, tears streaming down my face.

No one ever told me how hard being 15 was. Looking at me from a glance you would think I had a perfect life. Both of my parents were still together and I had two older sisters. If you looked closer you would see I had straight As in all of my classes, you would see the loving look my sister, Annie, would give me when no one was looking.

You would think I had a normal life, arguments with my parents and my sisters, like every young child goes through. You would see me struggling to make friends and trying to discover who I am.

But if you looked closer, if you really studied my life you would see the truth. The divide in my family, me on one side, my parents and sister on the other. Annie a shadow in the middle trying to avoid the cross fire. You would see me struggling to avoid making new bullies, never friends, just other bullies. You would see the scars on my skin, from trying to destroy myself.

The countless suicide attempts.

Being neglected was something you didn't get used to, you never adapted, the words always hurt just like the first time, you just start to expect it. Along with the occasional slap to the face.

I look at the crashing water below me, all I had to do was let go, and I would be come apart of it.

There was nothin stopping me, yet I still hung to the railing, held on for dear life.

I counted to three and willed myself to jump.
I'd put out a foot hoping to just step off. I was pathetic.

I willed the wind to blow me off, it never did. I would close my eyes and will myself to jump.

"Are you going to jump or not." My eyes quickly snapped open at her voice.

I turn and see her long black hair whipping around in the wind. Her hazel eyes stare at me impatient as she walks to me. A year older than me yet we looked the same age, in fact she looked a year younger than I.

Though in two years she would grow taller than me.

"Hurry up and jump so I can save your ass again and we can go get pizza." Riley gives me a smile as she grabs my hand.

"When did you get in town." I ask her, gripping her hand tight in mine, she always seemed to show up when I needed her most.

"A couple of hours ago, I went to your house, your bitch of a sister said you ran away. I know you better than that so I walked to your hot spots and then ended up here."

Hot spots were the places I had almost attempted suicide, this would be a new one added.

Riley grabbed my arm and I slowly let her help me back over the railing. A sigh of relief escapes her lips and I see a hint of her nervousness. Riley was always a pro at hiding her feelings, something I always envied.

Though I envied everything about her.

"Come on let's go to the cabin, dad ordered pizza." I smile at Riley's  words excited to see Uncle Carter.

Riley doesn't speak of me on the bridge, instead she fills my ears with stories about her new school, I listen closely. She tells me about her leading the rebellion of skirts in the winter, she now has half the school on her side.

She always was a leader.

She throws an arm around me, I feel her squeeze a little , if I wasn't paying attention I wouldn't have notice.

Though I'm always paying attention to her. I study her hoping I could become her.

Yet here I am still a fuck up.

I smile as I see the cabin ahead of us. Another squeeze is given to me through Riley, again so small I shouldn't have noticed. She must have really missed me.

We walk through the door and I'm immediately engulfed in a hug by Uncle Carter.

"Hey kiddo! How is my favorite Niece." He steps back and looks at me, I give him an excited smile.

Sometimes I wish he would have been my father.

Uncle Carter gives me a pat on the head and walks away in to the kitchen as he talks "We really need to visit more often Navi."

I nod at him as I follow him into the kitchen. "Dad we could always move back." Riley states as she grabs a piece of pizza.

"You know we can't Rilina." Her dad gives her a stern look when she opens her mouth again, she does a smart thing and closes it.

I understood why Uncle Carter couldn't move back, it was the same reason he didn't visit often.

He lost his wife here, Riley and I were to young to even remember her. From what I heard she was full of grace, elegance and patience. Rilina looked just like her, the only thing she did not have was the blue eyes. Instead she was gifted with her fathers hazel eyes.

She died in a car accident a mile from the house, Uncle Carter was 10 minutes behind her and was one of the first people to find her car.

Riley looks at me and smiles "To bad Navi could never come with us." I smile at her wishing I could, my parents would never let me though.

"Me to." Uncle Carter smiles at me and I respond to it with a wide smile of my own. I embrace the kind words from them as I sit at the island and grab a pizza and start munching.

The cheesy pizza makes me happy I couldn't bring myself to jump.


(Incase your confused this is a flash back.)

Sooooo I just entered the wattys 😁😁😁 so to celebrate thought I'd surprise you guys with an update!!!

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