Chapter 17

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I sigh looking over the bridge. Every time I had ever visited this place I was on the other side of the railing.

Part of me expected Riley to show up behind me. The other part knew she wouldn't.

I hadn't seen her or Uncle Carter in a while. This was the longest I had gone with out seeing them.

I don't like it.

I close my eyes and close off the demons in my head and listen to the water under the bridge, it doesn't seem as loud as the other times I had been here.

I put both hands on the railing. Seconds after ice covers the railing and I don't flinch for the first time.

The light wind blows through my hair, nipping at my skin. A chill goes through my spine.

I sigh as I realize it is gettin late, I promised Daniel I wouldn't be long, we have another event to go to. I turn away from the railing and slowly walk away.

Once I make it back to the castle Frazier is dragging me into a room and starts on my makeup.
He does my hair in a half up half down updo. He makes small talk but I'm to caught up in my own thoughts, thinking of the past.

If you would have told me last year I would be here now, I don't think I would believe you, I would mostly think I had managed the guts to finally kill my self.

I sigh as I shake the negative thoughts from my mind. I had been doing good at keeping them at bay, but here lately it seems my demons were preparing for a riot against me.

I look at the outfit on me. I smile at Frazier "You look marvelous."


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I roll my eyes at his statement as I look back in the mirror.

"Thank you." I turn from the mirror and he walks me to the door of the room. We walk out into the familiar stair case and walk down. I'm met with Daniel and Bain's eyes on me.

"Ready?" I ask with a smile, though I feel it doesn't reach my eyes and I want to wonder why.

Maybe it is the mate bond, putting me in a depression.

Daniel smiles at me and takes my arm gently. We walk out following Bain to the limo and settle in.

Frazier and Daniel talk about, well I don't know, I don't pay attention instead I catch myself staring at Bain, our eyes are connected and we hold each other's gaze.

How desperately I want to sit by him and hold his hand.

The limo comes to a stop and we climb out and walk in. People are talking, some dancing, others drinking and gossiping.

Bain walks towards a group a of men with a serious expression on his face and they turn their attention to him as they start talking.

"That's the squad looking for you." I jump at Daniels voice and turn to him. "They are professional trackers."

I huff "well seems they aren't that great Dan." I look at him as he smirks.

"Well they have narrowed it down to about four girls in your school, one of them being you." My eyes widen at his statement.

I tug at my hair as I look back at them "Daniel you are lying, how am I still an option, Bain has been around me, he should know," Daniel chuckles.

He lowers his head down "Like I said professional trackers, they include every possibility, even the one of his mate disguising herself. In fact, you are their main suspect." My eyes widen as I look at him.

"How?" I whisper harshly.

Daniel crosses his arms with a chuckle "You suddenly started hanging out with us after Bain found his mate."

I groan at my own stupidity. I see some men glance at me and back to Bain.

"I should also tell you at least three of them have bets it is you." Daniel smirks and I glare at him.

I look back at the group of about 6 men, talking in hushed voices, some moving their hands as if to explain something.

I shake my head "How are they eliminating people?" I ask Daniel.

He shrugs with a laugh "I like to keep you guessing Navi, plus I can't let you in on what they plan, you are a suspect."

I glare at him and elbow him "I'm not a murder," again he laughs.

"I've been watching to many murder shows it seems. But still I can't tell you the details." I roll my eyes at his words as we walk away from the group of men.

"How long before they know?" I ask him I cast another glance at the men.

Another chuckle comes from Daniel. "Another thing I'm not telling you Nav."

I sigh rolling my eyes at him and crossing my arms. I study the men, as if I could know their plan by just looking hard enough.

"Navi why don't you just relax." Daniel ask me as he follows my gaze to the men.

A sigh escapes my lips. "Well now I have people studying me, kinda hard to relax Dan." I look at him and then look back at the men.

"Yeah well your making it quite obvious your hiding something, by looking at them like that." I sigh as I look away from the men and turn my attention to other people.

"I'm not going to the ball tomorrow Dan." I smile as an elder comes up to me

"Hello dear I just wanted to say how precious you look tonight" I force a smile and bow my head.

"Thank you." I ease out as the elder makes her way around me.

"I know you aren't, Bains mate is going." I raise my eyebrows at his words.

"You are going Navi, in a mask." I groan. He glares. "The least you can do is talk to him."

I sigh. "Fine but I don't have anything to wear."

Dan points to Fraizer "That's why he is around" Dan laughs and I roll my eyes.

I bite my lip nervously as I watch the people around me mingle.

My feet scream as we finally load back in the limo and head to the castle Dan and Bain talk seriously about things but I tune them out thinking about tomorrow.

What would I say? What would he say?

I chew on my bottom lip.

Would he kiss me again? My finger tips brush my lips.

I look up at Bain and see him looking at my fingers brushing against my lips.

I look away towards Daniel to see him smirking like he knew what I was thinking about.

My hands fall from my face.

We finally arrive at the castle, to tired to talk we all walk quickly inside. I change back into my clothes and their driver takes me home.

I quietly enter the house and walk like a zombie into my room.

I take my make up off and fall into bed and immediately fall asleep.


😁😁😁😁 its getting real.
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