chapter 38

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We climb into Frasiers car. "So where are we going?" I ask making Fraiser shrug.

"Food then castle." I nod at his words.

"What are you doing?" He ask as I open the center console and see what's in it.

I shrug my shoulders "Bored." Is all I say simply.

"You know its rude to go through someone's belongings." Again I shrug my shoulders.

I open the glove department and my eyes widen at the knife. "Can I ask why you have a knife in your glove department?" I ask looking at Frasier.

"I'm disappointed you don't know the difference between a knife and a dagger Navi." He pauses for a moment. " and no, no you can't."

I nod slowly as I close the glove department.

"So how are you feeling?" I tense at the question but shrug.

"I don't seem to feel anything really, I beat my emotions with a shovel and then bury them deep in my mind," I tuck a short piece of hair behind my ear.

"Thats... that's oddly specific but okay." Fraiser states unsure of how to take what I said.

We go through a drive through and order food and then drive back to the castle, by the time we get there I finish my food.

"Someone was hungry," I shrug at Frays observation as we both get out of the car.

"You want to make cookies?" He suddenly ask causing me to raise a brow.
Yet I'm the hungry one.

"I mean, I guess yeah." He grabs my arm and rushes me into the castle.

"Slow down Fraiser before you rip my arm off!" I shout, thankfully he stops as we enter the castle.

"Ah right, you got to have an arm and hand to jerk off the fine ass king," a blush takes over my neck and face at his words.

"Shut-shut up." I scratch the back of my neck while following Fray to the kitchen.

He starts pulling things out to make cookies. Handing me a mixing bowl, I start putting the ingredients needed and start mixing.

"You know after we make these cookies you can always eat them off of Bai-"

"Dont finish that sentence!" I state quickly. My eyes then widen at the cookie mix on Fraiser's face from the spoon I'm now pointing in his direction.

"Oops," I state innocently with a shrug of my shoulders. A smirk slowly covers Frasiers face causing my eyes to widen even more.
He then grabs a hand full of flour and throws it at me causing me to let out a light scream.

I then take a scoop of the cookie batter and throw it at him, he takes chocolate chip pieces and throws them at me.

I giggle and let little squeals leave my mouth as I grab another handful of cookie batter, before I can throw it Fraiser grabs an egg and throws it at me, it hits me in my throat running into my shirt making my laugh and little squeals more high pitched and loud.

I throw the cookie batter at Fraiser, he quickly dodges as it goes by him.

Suddenly I hear a clearing of throat. Both Fraiser and I eyes widen as we look behind Fraiser.

I put my hand over my mouth to try not to laugh as I see Daniel with a glob of cookie batter on his forehead.

"Navi you hit the virgin! Guess it's an automatic win." Frasier states with a mocking sad tone. Daniel quickly throws Fraiser a hard glare, then proceeds to grab an egg and chunk it at Fraiser hitting him right in the face.

"Ow! my non existent virginity!" Fraiser yells, he then grabs sugar and flour and throws it at Daniel, I giggle as I grab another hand full of cookie batter and chunk it at Daniel, he in return chunks sugar at me.

Flour, sugar, chocolate chips, eggs, milk, water and cookie dough fly through the air. At some point Riley and Annie join us.

Annie giggles as she sneaks up behind Daniel and pours the gallon of milk on him.  Fraiser laughs and goes to take a step but slips on flour and cookie dough and lands right on his butt. I throw an egg at Riley who in return dodges.

I immediately freeze as I see the queen with an egg running down her face. Everyone else follows my lead as they look at the queen with pale faces and wide eyes.

She blinks trying to process what happened. Then grabs an egg and chunks it at Daniel right in the forehead.

The chaos continues.

I squeal as I dodge an egg. All of us are covered head to toe in cookie ingredients. The kitchen doesn't look any better.

Laughter and squeals echoes though the kitchen. Annie and I slip together and land on our buts, still laughing.

Suddenly Frasier takes a whole bag of flour and dumps it on us.

"Um what's going on?" Again all of our heads snap to the doorway and see Bain looking confused while having a slight smirk on his face. The smirk widens as he spots his mother covered in egg and flour. Fraiser looks to me and winks.

My heart skips a beat and with out thinking, with out a second to change my mind I stand and charge at Bain. I throw myself at him as I scream "Food fight!"

Not expecting it Bain falls to the ground with me on top. I giggle as Daniel and Fraiser come around with another bag of flour and dump it on him.

"The king has fallen!" Fraiser and Daniel yell out. Bain doesn't pay attention as he stares at me. I throw my hands up and look up in victory.

"We are the champions!" I start and soon everyone else is singing with me off key.

"Lord have mercy on the mess you kids have made." The chuckle comes from the king. His eyes widen as he spots his wife. "Athena honey what are you doing?"

She smiles "Oh you know work?" She shrugs causing the rest of us to laugh. She then holds her hands out for the king to help her up. He goes to help her but instead she drags him onto the messy floor. Giggling she gives him a quick kiss. The king and queen then stand telling us a quick goodbye while giggling away.

I stand up and Bain does the same. He then looks at me a more serious expression. "I hate to be a party pooper, but we need to talk." His deep voice sounds funny saying pooper.

I nod my head at him "Can I get cleaned up first?" If I'm to be rejected I can atleast have some dignity going down.

Bain nods and he leads me out of the kitchen up the stairs. We walk quietly into his room, he leads me to the shower.

"I'll get you some clothes, Riley is staying here so I'll just steal some clothes from her." I nod and Bain gives me an awkward smile before shutting the door and leaving.

I sigh as I turn the hot water on and quickly strip and get in.


Okay so before I ask don't panick we aren't to the end, we are a little over half way but it's close enough that I need to start preparing the ending.

But I have like 5 different endings...

Soooooo I need your help! A couple of these endings lead to a sequel. The others are just endings. (So no sequel.)

So if you want a sequel comment "sequel".

If you dont want a sequel to this just comment "the end".

If it is a sequel it will not have a different main character like the past series, it will still stay with Navi being the main character.

Also also. Since I am doing some preparing I wont be updating this weekend. (I might updat a chapter or two, I'm not sure yet,) which I feel like I've updated like crazy to make up for that but I just wanted to let you guys know, Ill still be working on Glitch (and a couple other projects 😉😉) I just wont be updating.

Updates will start back Monday!!
(Like I said I might update once or twice during the weekend but dont hold me to it!)

Anyhow don't forget to vote and comment 😁😁😁

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