I think i have a stalker pt 1

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Just moved into my new apartment. Man, getting 20 boxes, 2 bags, and speakers up 4 flights of steps isn't a joke. When I was just wrapping up moving. A head popped out of the door two doors away from mine."Hi, you are my new neighbor I see". He looked like he was a good 21-22 years old. Tall and brown skin, with black twists and the juiciest lips you will ever see. I was too tired to even say anything back. I just nodded and kept going. Two days roll past, I'm coming out for work at my first job in the morning. And guess who was outside his door on the phone. "GOODMORNING getting out a little earlier than usual". I'm like bitch how he know what exact time I come and go any anywhere. At this point I'm literally shook. "Yeah gotta stay on my feet" I nervously say. I glanced up at the apartment hallway window to see he is gone back in.... Two days later I go upstairs to put my keys in my lock and in the crease of my door is $20. It's funny because I was just talking to my bff(who is also my roommate) about how I needed my haircut. I didn't know where and who could have possibly left it. I asked if she pulled out cash and she said no. We know better than to walk around southeast with cash lol. So I just put it in my wallet. Next day I was off so I walked downstairs to see what mail I had. Here go this damn boy again. He didn't speak he just starred. I grab my mail and go back upstairs. I open this plain red envelope "Hello beautiful, I hope you got my gift in your doorway. Can't wait to see your new cut. -TJI" my deep feelings of unease and fright slowly turned into appreciation and admiration. I felt adored, and even if it was a stranger doing this I felt good about obliging to his or her gratitude. About a month and a half go by. Still getting little messages like "you looked so good today" or"damn all those groceries you better throw down". Is it bad I write back small sentences back and leave them in the mailbox? Just getting back from my week vacation out cabo eager to come to my mailbox and nothing. Unusual but nothing last forever. I walk to my room and to my surprise my room was filled with "welcome home" banner over my bed, flowers, and $50. My bff comes in my room "you like it? I missed you moe". I was sooo shook, best bitch looked out for me! "Yes I'm off today and I know you was on your little work vacation. ain't like I paid for it anyway. "Huh?" I said in pure confusion. "I went in the mailbox and it's had a envelope with 70 dollars and instructions on what to do with the money. I don't know who it was it just had initials TJI". I knew I had to figure out who it was. I don't work until tomorrow and my eyes are gonna be glued onto the mailbox every hour for three minutes lol. After a while I drift off to bed. I was sleepy and being a detective is hard work lol. I get a knock on the door, omg tell me why it's the boy across the hall👀👀👀!!! "Can I come in?" What's gonna happen next?

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