Second Warning

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"My Queen!"
"Now's not the time."
"It's an emergency!"
"*** **** are gone!"
"What do you mean their gone?!"

It was the next sunrise we were now stationed outside the boarders of the Kingdom of Clubs. It looks so different from before I can sense the pain within Jin,Hoseok and Jimin's mind. This was their home, their real home. I stood beyond the gate, I saw only a guard. I then looked above no one was there, It looked so helpless. The gates opened as I see the guard approach me as he gave me a bitter look."What do you want?" He asked so coldly." To enter your kingdom sir, just surrender." Said Taehyung. The man looked at me confused, I shrugged back. I felt the ground shake a little and saw the man quietly smirk."Stand guard!" I said as my soldiers went to their defensive stance. Then men from underground appeared.'underground sewers' I thought to myself as they started to attack.

(A/N: So close yet so far T^T)

Some would rather call it it unfortunate but the man which my army encountered was at my front already taking out his sword to attack me. I immediately noticed as I dodged his attack then swung back at him making him fall down. I retreat to the back to help a lone soldier fighting against two others.

3rd Person's POV
As Maria retreats to the back the boys spread out. Two to the front, one to the left, another to the right and three at the back. It was going well so far.

(A/N: So faaarrrr :3)

"Tougher than usual isnt it?" Said Jin to Namjoon. He nodded in reply."Pretty much but not strong enough!" He said as he slashed at the opponent making him fall to the ground.

(A/N: On the dirty floor which is very dirty and filled with germs and stuff)

"Jungkook stop stealing my fun!" He said as Jungkook slashes another enemy down."ITS MAH JOB TAEHYUNG!" He said shouting at Taehyung's face."ITS ALSO MEH JOB SO BACK OFF!" Taehyung fired back. Jimin looked at the two confused, cause Jimin...






Yeah he was just there to do his job."Guys nows not the time!" Jimin warns them as he blocks another attack of the opposing soldier."JIMIN YOU GOT NO JAMS SO SHUT UP!" The two shouted at him. He sighed as he continued to fight.

Hoseok swiftly finished his opponent it was no surprise as he was the most flexible among the seven men but it also wasnt a surprise he was the weakest." Easy as I thought" He said wiping of the blood from his chin. Before he could react though he was hit in the head knocked out, no one noticed as the anonymous person stuffed him in a sack and dragged him to the underground sewers.

Yoongi on the other hand was lazy but he could get the job done. You can't even hear him sneak up on you for he is too silent. He stabs his enemy at the back before he could even scream. He silently whispered a "Sorry" before he turns around only to be at the same faith as Hoseok.

"Namjoon, do you wonder how the others are doing?" Jin asks his colleague as he answers "They know how to take care of themselves, they'll be-" Before he could finish he got hit in the head. Jin could only let out a gasp before having to be hit in the head like his dear friend. Both their bodies were placed in a sack each and dragged out of the battlefield.

It had been five minutes FIVE DAMN MINUTES >:/ since Taehyung and Jungkook bickered. "YOU DAMN PABO- Hey where's Jimin?" Jungkook asked as he was stopped from the lack of presence." I dont really know-" Hit from behind Taehyung fell to the ground. Jungkook stood in shock as he was attacked behind by a man, cloth in hand. Leading him out of the battlefield as Taehyung was dragged. Before Jungkook was lead out he screamed letting Maria be aware something was wrong.

Maria luckily heard the scream it was too faint to be even noticed by the others but she heard it. Soon enough she continued to fight and in the end her army won. They entered the kingdom and helped the civilians. A soldier then approached her out of breath."My Queen!" He shouted as Maria turned to his direction."Sir now is not the time to be in such hurry" She said calmly handing him a handkerchief."Its an emergency!" He panicked."The assassins are gone!" He said and Maria's heart just sank. She first had to bare the pain of the death of her father and now her friends are missing, she couldn't take it she just couldn't.

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