A Sin that you have Committed

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"Betrayal was the sin you have committed to her and only her"
She said as she was taken away.

3rd Person's POV
At the castle. Gossip had been spreading everywhere of the escape of Maria.Servants were whispering, Maids were chattering and the king was planning for his next move. No one knew who had helped her except the teen herself, Syl. The boys have been trying to contact her as she walks away from them or even ignore their presence as if they were just ghosts.

The king had called all of the staff to the throne room for an announcement. Ofcourse the boys were right in front." Goodness, what now?" Syl asked herself as she stared at the boys in disgust."Syl" Taehyung whispered sadly looking at her with regret."Good Afternoon to all..." Said Malachi sitting on his thrown, legs crossed, chin up high and hands clutched together side by side." We all know on what happened that day, do we?" He asked as everyone nodded including Syl. He smirked and then spoke." Heh, pretty brave of you to say that" He said as he stood up shoulders up high filled with confidence. He then pointed at Syl."Lock her up" He said with a smirk. Taehyung's eyes widen as he was being pulled back by Jungkook with a tight grip to the wrist."No No No Please No.." He said whispering as tears were about to flow. Guards surrounded her as she showed no restraint. They put shackles on her as she looked at the boys once more."Betrayal...Thats the only thing I can describe of you" She said giving daggers with her eyes before she was taken away."No...Syl..." Taehyung said as tears were already falling out."Scram you peasants!" Malachi shouted as the servants obeyed." If you want to be with her be my guest" Malachi said before leaving the throne room and going to his library. Taehyung's head was low as the other boys surrounded him giving a hug."Why?" Was all he whispered before breaking down.

Maria's POV
After the encounter with the remaining people of the 'Heart's Reign'. I sent in some spies to spy what's going on in the castle. After a week they came back to me.

"Our Queen" They said bowing to me who was picking some apples for the children."You have come, what has happened?" I asked as they seemed bothered."Oh My Queen your dear friend has been found guilty and is now in the dungeon" One said as My eyes grew wide."No..." I said as I clenched my fist."What is our next move?" Asked Alex the man I had first encountered with when I came here. I lowered my head as tears were already dropping out."Give them a surprise, this war, this has gone too far.." I said before they bowed and left to get ready for not a war, not a revolution, not revenge, but something even greater a REBELLION.

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