Quartet - About Trist

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After groping around for a little bit, the quartet eventually found a level. The name was Dubwoofer Substep, which, in their opinion, was quite a strange name. But nonetheless they didn't really care that much, they were shrouded in darkness and Pi wasn't even sure if it really was Quin or Lumina or Tetra's hand he was holding and not some ghost. Hell, it was so humid and hot in here that they felt like they were gonna melt into a puddle of flesh if they didn't do something. Tetra even took off their scarf, which was a rare thing to do.

The level itself was, to put it simply, creative but chaotic. The design was simply superb and a real testament to someone's creative genius.

But above that, the way the waves crashed as triangles fell from the spiked ceiling was so unpredictable and so uncalled for that They died several times.

Thankfully, once that was done, things were going smoothly.

After Dubwoofer Substep, the whole entire cave filled itself up with light. Bioluminescent Mushrooms filled the interiors, lighting their dark world up with a faint, blue glow.

Then they realised that what was once clear, pure, drinkable water, was now a pink, glowing, fuming lava.

So they didn't have proper water now.

But luckily they had food, and Pi read somewhere that there was a way to turn Seawater into Drinkable water. The water that came from it, when compared to the crystal clear spring water of Mount Clearwater, was like comparing a flank of raw flesh to a fully cooked, fanciful, seasoned steak, But who cares!

And they say that the younger generation is hopeless in the outdoors.

Lumina found a large bit of Rock that was shaped somewhat like a bowl, well, more like a spoon than anything else, but still, it was a bit of rock that stood out of the ground, in a spike-like way that had a depression in the middle of it, just like a sideways spoon. The moment she pointed this out, Tetra literally threw themself onto the rock, feet first, and they dashed mid-air, adding momentum to their kick. And for some reason, that actually worked, knocking the Bowl-like thing off its post as it landed on the floor with a hollow KLUNK.

Objective complete?

Quin and Pi had gone off to gather Mushrooms for the feast. Luckily there were no mushrooms in Mount Clearwater that were poisonous, so that made their job a lot easier. They do have a vague idea how the different types of mushrooms looked like, the aromatic ones were the biggest, spicy ones smallest while the sweeter ones had a more Pentagon-like pattern on them. When they returned, they had so many mushrooms they could barely keep them all contained in their arms.

It was best to not eat the mushrooms raw, They're not poisonous, they just taste better when cooked.

When Tetra and Lumina came back, their eyes widened and mouths started watering at the sight of the mountain of delicious, triangular mushrooms that lay before their eyes. A look of desire twinkled in their eyes.

"I know right." Quin smirked at the look on their faces. "Hey, watch this."

Quin took one mushroom, walked over to the edge of the ground, right next to where the lava started, and crouched down flat on his face. He dipped the mushroom right next to the bubbling lava, close enough for the heat to cook it but not close enough to burn it and his hand. After a few minutes like this, Quin rose up again, with a fully roasted, slightly blackened mushroom in his hand.

"Quin you realise you could've burnt your hand off right?" Lumina said.

'Bite me.'

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