daddy!jakurai x mommy!reader

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today was really a hot day, i never thought it will be this hot. i was walking with my daughter at the park since she got bored at home.

'kura, let's go home now, it's already hot here.' i said as i carried her into my arms.

'papa home?' asked my 4 year old daughter, i shook my head and her smile turned into frown.

jakurai is in some sort of island right now since they planned to do some medical missions, so he might not be home for days.

'kura your daddy is busy helping other people.' i said as i ruffled her hair, when suddenly rain started pouring really hard.

i cursed under my breath when i realized i never bought my jacket and umbrella with me, i ran towards the nearest shelter i can find with kura in my hands.

'this is bad, you might get cold or a fever.' i said as we waited for the rain to be gone, after the rain went out we immediately got home.

'yo miss (y/n) how was the park?' hifumi asked as he got a sleeping kura in my arms.

'we got soaked in rain, and it's not that pretty.. hifumi could you please take kura to her room i'll get her dressed immediately.' i asked hifumi the blond hair man nodded and slowly walked upstairs.

i was done dressing kura up, jakurai called me a while ago asking if how are things doing and such.

i'm cleaning kura's room since it was filled with her toys scattered on the floor.

'm-mommy.' kura said, it sounded like she was about to cry I immediately dropped the toy in hand and ran towards her bed.

'yes baby?'

'i feel hot.' she said, oh no.

i placed my hand on her forehead and boy it was heating up, i panicked and got down to get some towel and water.

after it, i placed the towel on her forehead, she's stills breathes heavily which made me panicked again. whenever this happenes jakurai would be the one handling it since his a doctor.

she cried, i rocked her back to sleep in my arms, kura is heavy but i can manage.

when she calmed down i gently put her in her bedroom and got my pocket to head in the nearest pharmacy, and buy a medicine.


the pharmacy was super crowded so i didn't get back immediately, but luckily hifumi was able to calm kura.

i heard our doorbell rang so i ran downstairs and opened the door only to see my husband.

'jakurai!' i hugged him tightly, 'i thought you'll be staying there for a few days?' i asked.

'there weren't that much people with sickness there so the work was done quickly.' he kissed my cheeks and got inside the house.

'jakurai kura ha-' i was about to say when we heard a loud crying noises upstairs, i looked at my husband who's also looking at me.

we both ran upstairs, 'what happened to kura?' he said as we arrived kura's room.

'she got some fever, i didn't know what to do.' i bit my lips, jakurai then examined our daughter.


apparently jakurai said it was from the sudden weather change, and i remembered this morning it was really hot and then suddenly rained.

'she already drink the medicine i gave her, so the fever might gone down a little bit by tomorrow.' jakurai said as we watched our daughter sleeping peacefully.

'that's great!' i exclaimed he smiled and kiss my forehead.

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