ichiro yamada x pregnant!reader

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you shakily stared at the test you were holdinh, it has two red lines in it which means it really is true, you were pregnant.

you wanted to cry, you know ichiro didn't have time for this baby because he has two brothers to take care of, yet now this happened.

your pov;

'w-what am i going to do now? i don't want this to happen!' i screamed at the mirror infront of me, what if ichiro doesn't want the kid? what if he'll leave me?

so many questions has entered my head i don't know what to do. i got my luggage case and pack my clothes, just in case everything went wrong when i tell him the news.

i texted him, he said he was on his way home i couldn't help but be nervous. i made sure to hide the test, i got in the bed without me knowing i fell asleep.

i felt someone hugging me in the back, he's back. i slowly got his hand around me and sat up straightly.

'I-ichiro! goodness you scared me!' i exclaimed, he chuckled.

'i arrived an hour ago, nobody greeted me in the door i am surprised to see you here sleeping, so i joined.' he explained and smiled, then again i remembered i have something else to say to him.

'ichiro.. uhm..'

'yes, (y/n)?' he asked.

'what do you think about building a f-family?' i asked, nervous about his answer.

'well ofcourse, a family with you is the best i guess-'

'i'm pregnant.'

the room felt silent, ichiro widened his eyes, i was ready for rejection when suddenly..

'i'm going to be a father?' ichiro asked me, i nodded in response.

He smiled and hugged me like we haven't met in centuries.

'i-ichiro, t-the baby.' i said, he faced me and smiled.

'my bad, but i love you (y/n)!' he said, he leaned his ears in my stomache.

'hello there little one, i'm your daddy make sure to not give mommy a hard time alright?' he said as he rubbed my tummy.

i giggled, i guess i worried for nothing.

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