Chapter 3. Time is stilll in place

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   The song on the side Hey Stephen except replace it with Niall and play it when Lina or Rose is talking to Niall .

 -Rose xoxo

     I spot Taylor's blonde locks and take a seat beside her. " hey you!" She said turning around to look at me. " The boys are about to come" I tell her with a wide grin " I can't wait ! This is too much! " she says flailing her hands I laugh & say "Like ASDFGHJK!" We both laugh and a boy in front of us tells us to shut up. I stick out my toungue at him and he frowns and turns around. " Yeah, you better be scared !" Taylor laughs and we both start to act hyper, but it's ok to act hyper because the other girls in the room are very hyper as well and I spot two girls crying, of happiness I'm sure.  

Then finally a lady wearing the blue and and white uniform comes in "here's One Direction" she smiles and walks away. Then the five boys walk in. It feels as if times stopped in place and everything around me disappeared and it was only them. Their beautiful smiles glowing in the empty room. I thought moments like these only happened in movies. Not my life, never have I thought this would happen.  

Then mine and liams eyes connect for only a second so when he looks away, I'm left with a grin on my face. "Rose!" a painful nudge was enough to pull me back into reality. "Alrigtht ! Everyone's looking good!" Louis exclaims to the crowd, and everyone goes wild. " So, we just wanted to welcome you here" Harry speaks on his deep voice and the girls that were crying earlier managed to wipe their tears and stand on their feet and clap. "We're so glad to be here with all you talented people !" Niall says, holding his mic up. "We'll be staying on the top floor and well try to talk to all of you and get to know all of you better" Zayn smiles at the crowd and there comes a few whistles from the back. "But that'll be hard because there are 80 of you and we only have one or two weeks before boot camp starts" Liam laughs as another whistle another comes "So not only are you people talented in singing but y'all know how to whistle?" Louis laughs as another girl stands up and whistles "How do you do that ?!" Niall tries to whistle but his attempts fail horribly. I laugh along with the crowd as all the boys fail at their whistling attempts .

After the boys are gone, all the others start to head to their rooms Taylor gets up and extends her hand and I wave it away " I think I'll just chill here for some time" she nods " well do you want me to stay?" I shake my head and she leaves to get room. Good its just me now. I try not to think of the boys but that's impossible. Their staying in the same building ad me. In fact, we were breathing the same air. It gives me shivers to have the thougt that were kinda living together.  

I pop in my headphones and listen to some of the songs from Lina's new movie "Left Overs". Lina was one of my idols for acting, I loved to act and she was so inspiring to me. I loved her. Niall was actually best friends with Lina, like they were tight. That's one of the more reasons I loved Lina.  

I sat on the couch, humming to the music. Then the few people that were still hanging around left. I looked at the time and it was 12:57 . I didn't really care though. I was used to staying up.  

It was about 1:15 when I heard something break behind me. I took out the headphones and saw a figure at the doorway, wearing a dark hoodie and sunglasses. Hmm. Suspicious. I walk over to the person and its a she. I can see shes I don't know scared ? I smile and gesture to the sitting area. She was hesitant at first then took a sit in one of the chairs . I sat down beside her "So who are you?" I didn't want to sound weird so I didn't say that I thought she was kind of familiar . She unsurely takes the shades off and that's when I freeze in shock, holding on to the chair, willing myself not to pass out. It was Lina.  

"Ok, so please just help me out ?" she asks sweetly and I nod. She wad here to give the boys something but had to be disguised because of the fans and paparazzi. I told her how much I admired her and loved her and I think we were kinda friends. "I'm still in major shock." She laughs and I smile, feeling more at ease. We start to chat about a whole lot of nothing and then I see him.  

The wind is knocked out of me as I see the blonde boy coming towards me. I saw this exact thong happen in my dreams probably hundred times before. I pinched myself trying to see of I was still in one of my dreams but no he was there smiling down at me. " Hey Rose!" He says his Irish accent extra thick. Be cool. Be cool. Be cool. Wait he knows my name ? I manage a smile and I try to keep a steady voice as I say "Hey Niall!" but I end up sounding squeaky and annoying. Ugh.  

Lina wraps him in a hug and I smile seeing them both smiling. Lina hands him a box wrapped with orange wrapping paper. "Thanks babe" I can't help but wonder what's in it. I take a look at the box. It wasn't small it was medium and it was kind of big. But that's none of my business. Niall and Lina talk about some stuff and I stand and stare at them both. The before she left she turned to me "Hey Rose, thanks for the help. Give me youre number" what? Lina, THE Lina wanted my number. Woah.  

Then she hugged me and left. Wow,okay, this was the best fucking day.  

I was left there with Niall. I looked at him and he smiled his oh so sweet smile. What was I supposed to do? Oh lord, help me.


Alright I know this was so short but I'm sorry I am but I was bored at night so I thought I'd update this might be crap. Ok this IS crap. This is dedicated to my booboo xxsmileyface Lina the Lina in my story! I suggest you become a fan because shes a doll and she's posting her fanfic soon (excited) and we might actually like connect the stories so that'll be cool but seriously go fan her right now or the boys will never love you yeah I went there! LOL kk bye oh and another thing its 4:15 & I did this on the phone so don't blame be for mistakes be sure to comment vote and fan me! Alright bye lovelies. 

. -Rain xoxo

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