Chapter 6. Mirror

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Dedicated to my inspiration Arabelle. I love you so much you inspire me to be a better writer and you're fanfics are just beautiful, I hope you read this and like it if you do it would literally make me cry. #Believer 

Shoutout to XxSmileyface she's my best friend, go read her fanfic its amazing she's truly talented !

Liam's P.O.V

"Alright, Dani, love you mwaah! Bye!" Danielle's been staying in Cheshire, because she's doing the backround dancer for this big show. We hardly see each other now, it's hard but we still cope with the situations.

Today we were going to go talk to the contestants and I knew who I was starting with. Rose.

Last night, when I saw her there were tears in her eyes, and seeing as the type of person I am, I couldn't just let it go. I had to ask her, it was just my thing I guess, getting into other people's business. When all the boys headed out to meet each of the contestants they chose, I took off as well.

"Come in" I hesitantly opened the door, to see Rose laying in bed. Her hair was sticking up in all directions and she looked .. I don't know how to put it but she looked .. bad. "Are you ok?" She quickly covered her face with the blanket, "Oh my god I look like a beast!" I laughed and walked over to her. "No you don't! You're sick" She jumped out of the bed and went into the washroom. That bad?

After 5 minutes she came out looking more ... ok. "So, what happened?" I ask making my tone as serious as possible. I wanted to know why she acted that way last night and it'd be a better way to get to know her. "What? Oh that, yeah I have my period, bad cramps that's all" She says, and I throw a pillow at her. "That's not what I meant! I mean what happened last night? "This time she doesn't try to joke about it but falls silent "Why do you want to know?" She didn't mean it with attitude but she meant it to say why would anyone want to know? Yeah, I'm good at reading people. I guess it's a talent. "Well, you seemed as much in pain, as Lina. It was like you felt her pain" She sighs and Looks down "It's funny, how I thought no one actually cares if I was in pain or whatever went on in my life, let alone Liam Payne" God, I hate when people do that, I'm just as normal as anyone. Then she gave up and looked away starting to pour all her emotions into the words she began to say. And I listened.

Rose's P.O.V

I told him everything, it was Liam after all. It felt ok to tell him and to know that he cared , it meant so much. "But I guess it doesn't matter, when I think about it I think I'm making a fuss over nothing, that it's a small problem, that's what people would say, that it's nothing, it's such a small issue but it doesn't feel like it" He looks at me with sympathy and for a second I start to think that Liam cared about me, maybe because he liked me, but that was ridiculous. I'm ugly, I knew it, no boy can like me, they can never see past this face, at my personality, and it's Liam James Payne we're talking about for crying out loud. He cared about everyone, I was nothing special. I shook out those thoughts, and listened to what he was saying. "You know what, that's not a small problem, it must suck I know, not having you're parents support you, and all that. It's awful." He pats my shoulder, and he glances at his watch. "I gotta go now but we're all gonna meet in the lobby at 9. See ya there!"

He shuts the door behind him and I'm sat there smiling. I should not be sad, I'm living the dream, and everything I've ever wanted, so what if my parents aren't supporting me, you can't have everything right?"

Taylor and Leone, didn't come back yet and I as very bored staying in my room all day, so I decided to just wander around. I walked out into the hallway and a few girls were standing there taking and giggling. Then one of them noticed me, standing "O, het Rose" She smirked at me and I know her, her face is so familiar but I just can't put my finger on it. "Hey! What's you're name, you seem familiar " Then I remember that girl has been giving me looks since the day of my audition. Hm, that's weird. "Mia, you obviously know me , I mean who doesn't right?" She asks facing the other girls, "Anyway, you're audition was, amazing. You're very talented, you could do so good with a voice like that, if only if you looked at least decent." She smiles at me with pity and I gasp at what she just said, how could she just say that. The other girls laugh, and smirk at me. "It's weird how Liam actually talked to you, I mean I thought he was smart but I guess Harry's the only smart one" Wait, what did she mean by that? "Wh-what?"

"Aw, you poor wittle thing !" She makes a mock pout at me with her pink glossy lips. "She's so clueless" One of the girls pointed out and they started to walk away. That girl. She called me ugly. I ran to my room, tears streaming down my face.

Well, why am I crying it was true, I am ugly. No doubt. She spoke the truth.

"Hey girly!" Taylor screams as she comes into the room. I turned around and she was grinning wide, holding up some shopping bags but her face fell when she saw me. "What's wrong?" I'm such an open book! " No, you have bloodshot eyes" She says, reading my thoughts. Oh. "No my eyes were just stinging for some reason" I lie but she believes it.  

"Oh & this pink dress is so cute!" Taylor was showing me all the clothes she bought, she asked so many times if I wanted a dress but of course, none of them would look nice on me. They only looked good on someone like Taylor, not me. Taylor was beautiful, not me. It made me feel even more insecure being around her. She was just gorgeous. I loved her but I was so jealous of her looks. "What's wrong with you?" Taylor eyed me getting annoyed. "Sorry" she looked at me with her perfect blue eyes, I couldn't stand to look at her. Not right now. "What the hell Rose, did you even hear a word I said?" No, I haven't . "Sorry" "Whatever, I'll see you at the meeting" She left shutting the door loudly behind her. Great, I've managed to piss off my best friend. I get up to say sorry but when I opened the door what I saw shocked me. Mia and her friends were gathering around Taylor. I backed away, not wanting for them to see me. "Why are you even friends with her, you're gorgeous! You don't need to hang around with that ugly girl" Taylor stays silent. Isn't she going to stand up for me? "I see the way you look at Harry, and if you stick around Rose, Harry won't give you a second glance, you need to be with us, Harry's my friend, I've talked to him and if you stay with us he'll notice you and with youre looks, you can have him at you're feet" Taylor stayed silent, staring at the ground "Just think about it, you know you can have him you just need to get noticed". Taylor looked at her and oh my god, was she actually considering it? I couldn't stand to hear it anymore. I shut myself in my room. I leant against the door, letting the sobs escape from my throat. Why couldn't I just be happy for once?

Taylor's P.O.V

I stood there shocked at what Mia just said. Of course I wouldn't do this to Rose. Could I ? I loved harry I always have, I wanted him but not like this. "I d-don't know" I mumbled, and they laughed and nodded "You can think about it" Mia left with her group, and I watched as they swayed their hips in synch as they walked.  

"Why do you look so lost honey? Mom asked as I walked into the room, throwing the shopping bags on the bed.  

I wrapped the towel around myself and stared at myself in the mirror. I wasn't conceited but I was, indeed good looking. I could picture myself with Harry, we could make the perfect couple, after all I loved him but the only thing standing in the way was Rose. If I told her would she understand? But how could I even tell her?  

She wouldn't understand, she'd be hurt. Maybe it was better to just, ignore her till I became closer to Harry. Then I'd just make up some lie, I knew Rose, she would forgive me. She could never stay mad at me for too long. I smiled. Harry was going to be mine.  

Rose's P.O.V

I was getting ready to go downstairs. I didn't want to face anyone right now, not even the boys. I just wanted to curl up in a corner and cry. I looked at myself and I know no amount of makeup could make the ugliness on my face lessen. Nothing could make me pretty. I was and always will be ugly. I willed myself not to cry but I did.  

"Oh my god ! I know! Zayn talked to me today! We talked tor an hour or so, he's so into me" I try to ignore all the chatter and the giggles. Then I see Taylor. Talking to those girls and my heart sinks down and a lump forms in my throat. She chose them. I've lost the only family i had. My best friend was lost. Tears formed in my eyes and I ran to my room. And of course no one noticed, no one would care. Absolutely no one.

I ran to the mirror and looked at my reflection. The word ugly rang through my head and I pressed hands to my ear. "SHUT UP!" The voices in my head continued and I heard my moms words again. I took the red marker and wrote UGLY on the mirror. Then my head was spinning and my vision was getting blurry. I tried to hold on to something but only grasped air. Then in a second everything went black.

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