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[Hey there! Just in case you didn't read the description, this is a BoyxBoy story. I don't put that in the title because if you're reading this story and not out or not comfortable letting people know you like this sub-genre of literature, I don't want it to put anyone in a bad position. Hope you enjoy!]


"Please open the door, Eli," Anna pleads for be the hundredth time.

"Go away, you bitch," I shout back. My voice is slightly muffled, probably because my face is buried into the firm pillow that my arms are wrapped tightly around.

"Projecting your anger on to me won't work," the persistent ass shouts through the door. "I'm not going anywhere, baby boy."

"Don't call me that. I hate you," I say. Anna laughs as if I'm kidding.

"Love you too, little sister."

"Okay, asshole." I hear a sigh and hope she's preparing to give up, but no, of course she isn't giving up just yet. Of course, because we're related, we have the same damn persistence.

"Come on, Elijah, let me in. We can talk." I sigh and ignore her. Full naming never worked on me, but that never stopped everyone from trying it. "I know not everything's okay right now, but it can be." I don't answer and listen to my heart pound in my chest. Hopefully, it'll just explode, and I'll finally die and be at ease. "I love you, Eli. Please, talk to me."

Of course, I don't talk to her. People's feelings get hurt all the time, and people's feelings change just as often. 

His feelings changed. 

Mine got hurt.

I'll get over it, just like everything else.

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