Chapter Three: Surprise

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Chapter Three: Surprise


Aside from Eli's, admittedly hilarious, antics from the morning, the school day was pretty uneventful. Amanda insisted we go get food immediately after school. I tried to protest by saying I didn't have my wallet, but she refused to take that answer.

"Come on, let me treat you! It's your birthday, and although I won't make a fool of myself in front of the whole school, I'd love to take you to get some food." I chuckled a little and sighed. "Also, I feel a little bad about earlier, so let me make it up to you." 

I gave in to her proposal, and we ended up eating and having a great time at one of the smaller, family-owned restaurants. She was oddly good at finding places like that.

Once we finished eating, Amanda checked her phone and looked up at me. She smiled widely and raised her eyebrows.

"What?" I asked as we got into my car. Yes, I already broke a rule, basically the only rule. She sat in the passenger's seat, the bright smile on her face not wavering as I looked at her skeptically.

"We have one last surprise at your house," she replied cheekily. I sighed.

"Well, this can't be good," I replied.

"Hey!" She playfully swat at my arm. "It's a good surprise!"

"Eli's not gonna be waiting for me with a megaphone to scream 'happy birthday,' is he?" Amanda laughed and shook her head.

"No, as far as I know it's nothing like that." I smiled.

"Good, I don't need the neighbors complaining about some stupid friend of mine screeching a birthday message loud enough for the whole city to hear."

We reached my house soon enough, and Amanda got out with me. We walked up to the door, and she stopped.

"Are your parents home?" she asked.

"Suggestive," I mumbled as a reply. She laughed and rolled her eyes.

"No, nothing like that. I was just wondering if we could talk." Her shoulder raised and lowered quickly as she said that. I smiled slightly. I looked at her smooth skin and watched her brush a stray lock of hair away from her cheek and behind her ear. Her big, brown eyes looked up at me sweetly, and I noticed her cheeks turn a light pink. She quickly looked off to the side and down at the pavement.

"They're not home, so we can talk." I knew they were out for the night, saying now that I was an adult so I should spend my birthday how I wanted with who I wanted. I pushed open the front door, realizing it wasn't locked.

"Or, maybe they are home?" I added as I stepped inside. I heard the door click shut as I went into the living room, Amanda close behind me. Did they forget to lock it?

"Happy birthday, asshole!" shouted an insanely loud voice as all the lights turned on. I winced as I watched people stand up and shout "surprise!"

Of course, standing atop a wooden table in the middle of the living room was none other than Eli. In his hand, which was now waving at me, was a megaphone. I swear, only Eli would get a megaphone just to shout "happy birthday" at someone. I highly doubted he'd ever use it again.

Eli had a huge, excited grin stretching across his face as I stood with astonishment, looking around the room. Friends and people from school were on top of the two black, leather couches that were housed in my living room. There were probably about forty people. I laughed as I walked in, thanking them for coming.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2019 ⏰

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