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Vampires are a sub-species of Immortals seen in the Underworld films. The series portrays them as living creatures infected with a virus granting immortality, superhuman physical abilities, enhanced resilience and healing, but causing a weakness to ultraviolet radiation and a thirst for blood

The Vampire virus causes biological changes in the hosts that endows them with heightened senses and greatly increased physical abilities. Vampires possess superhuman physical powers, including strength, speed, agility, reflexes, endurance, durability and accelerated healing. Selene and several other Death Dealers are seen leaping from very high places - at least 10 stories in some places and landing without injury or harm as if their bodies elasticity is enhanced to inhuman levels. Vampires are shown exhibiting tremendous strength and speed, which they use to engage Lycans and humans in combat. Their raw strength is sufficient to single-handedly lift a grown man off the ground with ease. Their build, height and mass no longer determine their strength, as Selene has overpowered and lifted up humans larger and with more mass than Selene is shown moving with enough speed to evade gunfire and is seen outrunning an enraged Lycan. Their physical abilities increases with age, to the point where a Vampire Elder, Viktor, was able to effortlessly break the arm and neck of a transformed Lycan with one hand.

Certain Vampires also display the ability to obtain memories through blood ingestion, possibly through the virus affecting their brain and nerves and making their other tissues and fluids be obtaining bioorganic signals and information, which could explain the bodies healing ability. It can be assumed that all Vampires possess various degrees of these abilities, depending on their age and experience. Their heightened senses manifest in acutely increased depth perception, sense of smell, hearing, and night vision which manifests as electric blue or golden eyes. Selene, is able to cling to flat surfaces e.g. ceilings. Other abilities include the ability to turn humans into vampires through their bite, or possibly through blood transfusion. Their feeding allows them to maintain their physical abilities, especially their resistance to injury and pain and their recovery abilities, though age strengthens these abilities further than feeding can. Some subjects of this do not survive, as the infection or damage caused can worsen due to the turning process. A vampire is also able to change their appearance like Lycans can but only with these features, their skin being more pale and white, their fanged canines and lateral incisors extending and being more pronounced from the mouth, and the vampires irises being either bright electric blue or golden. This transformation can be willed by the vampire or brought on by intense emotions such as anger, especially when the vampire is in danger or combat. It is possible that this transformation can enhance a Vampire's abilities in a similar way to a Lycan's transformation, as Selene and other vampires are shown transforming just before battling others with similar strength.

Because she was sired by Viktor, an Elder, coupled with her respectable age, Selene's Vampiric abilities are much stronger than most of her Vampire kin, and becomes significantly stronger after the consumption of blood. She is an experienced Death Dealer and a resourceful combatant, displaying a regular talent for improvisation when faced with particularly challenging situations or opponents: shooting out the floor that she was standing on to escape attacking Lycans, breaking Marcus's wing-talon to stab him with it, and exploiting the increased healing of Quint to defeat him by leaving a silver grenade inside him after punching into his abdomen.


Weapons Mastery/expert combatant: Selene is extremely proficient with many kinds of weapons, both medieval and modern. According to her official bio, her weapons of choice are the Walter P99A, the Modified H&K USP 9mm, silver nitrate grenades and throwing stars. She also uses silver-plated hunting knives and a Middle Age sword. Selene favors a pair of Beretta handguns and Walther P99s. She is also proficient with a Remington 870 Combat Shotgun. She is also expert in many forms of hand-to-hand combat. Selene's combat abilities are "second to none."

Superhuman Strength: Being a Vampire, Selene is even much stronger than humans and most other immortal beings. She can grab humans by the throat and hold them against a wall several feet off the ground, performs spectacular leaps, and strikes her enemies with tremendous force. She is able to kill younger Vampires with just a few blows and manhandles four police officers with ease. She is also shown to be able to engage Lycans in close quarter combat without being harmed.

Superhuman Endurance: She is seen jumping from a ledge at least 100 feet (approx. 30 meters:12 floors) high and even more and landing without injury. She can take a shotgun blast at point-blank range to the abdomen without flinching. She was able to survive the powerful attacks from Quint Lane in his enhanced Lycan form, which makes her far stronger than others of her species. She is able to perform amazing feats of strength without fatigue and can withstand the crushing depths of the ocean without a wetsuit or breathing apparatus. Even in a weaker state, Selene is able to survive and instantly recover from a gunshot to the head

Accelerated Healing: She can heal severe wounds within minutes, including sunlight burns and a shotgun blast. She has also been seen able to expel bullets out of her body. Drinking blood allows her to heal from such injuries almost instantly.

Superhuman Speed: Selene was quick enough to sprint by and incapacitate a group of police officers without them being able to keep up with her movements. Escaping Hydra she was seen speeding through two lines of armed guards while slitting their throats with a scalpel in the process, and then disappearing in an instant. She also demonstrates speed akin to teleportation when she breaks into a scientist's apartment and moves right next to him in an blink of an eye. She is able to move so fast that even other immortal beings have great difficulty keeping up with her speed.

Superhuman Agility: Selene is able to perform athletic moves, such as doing a back-flip into a hole in a bridge, and leaping from tree to tree in an instant. Selene's agility has proven to support her lack of strength compared to the Lycans, allowing her to take on multiple Lycans at once.

Superhuman Senses: Due to the fact that she is a Vampire, her five senses (hearing, smelling, sight, etc) are greatly increased. She was able to hear gunfires from a mile away, follow the sounds of wings flapping and watch detective Sebastian's conversation at a great distance with amazing clarity. She was also able to sense that she was being followed.

Blood Sorting: Selene demonstrates the ability to absorb and read another Immortal's blood memories (similar to that of what the Elders did) Biting into her own wrist and drinking her own blood caused Selene to experience her own blood memories.

Wall Crawling: Selene can also cling and walk into walls similar to bats by having contact with her skin: she did this when she jumped from the building and clung into the wall to scape from one of the IPU soldier.

Resurrection: Through applying her blood directly to another's heart, Selene is capable of resurrecting them. Selene is the first known vampire to possess this ability.

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