Chapter 19: Hybrid

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Bucky growls into Selene's neck, his hands holding hers above her head and her legs firmly around his waist, they're testing his strength, he smirks and nips at her skin, she moans and bucks up into him, Bucky moans this time, Selene smirks and manages to knocking him off of her, she pins him down on his front, sitting on his ass, she smirks and leans down to blow on his ear, he squeals and wiggles, she laughs and rolls off of him, he turns onto his back and takes her hand pulling it up to his lips, before rolling onto her, she screams as she laughs, he kisses her neck, and then pulls back a little, they share a look before he is pulling her shirt over her head, her fingers clutch his shirt and just....tears it from him, his mouth devours hers as she claws at his back. He rolls his hips, already....excited. She smirks and pulls his hair, he groans and pulls back. He strokes her cheek.

"Thank you" he tells her with reverence. "For coming for me, for saving me....."

"Always" she whispers back, he smiles and nods before kissing her again, clutching her close to him. "Bucky" she whispers sliding her hand into his jeans, he rolls his eyes and moans. "Please" he nods and yanks her hips back towards him.


Later, Selene pulls on her boots as Bucky wiggles back into his jeans, this dopey, love sick puppy look on his face, he looks across at Selene and it just gets dopier. He sighs softly watching her, this vampire, this woman, that he does love, more then anything, he loves her.

"Selene" he states, she smiles at him and he moves to her, grabs her face and kisses her.


Outside of the facility three blacked out vans pull up, skidding to a stop, from it fifteen huge men climb out and stalk towards the facility and behind them. Marius.


Bucky lifts Selene up, her legs wrapping around him, her fingers threading into his hair, he presses her against the wall and growls into her mouth.


The fifteen werewolves in human form spread out, covering each exit. Before all at the same time they invade.


The facility alarm blares and Bucky and Selene pull apart.

"Is it a drill?" she asks, he shakes his head and sets her down again.

"One isn't scheduled" he answers, she moves to grab her jacket from the side and then there's a gunshot and Selene snaps her head around, her heart sinking. Marius smirks in the doorway, his gun held up at Bucky.

"Bucky" Selene rushes to his side as he falls to his knees clutching his chest, silver seeps through his fingers, he looks up at Selene as she drops to his side clutching his face. "No" she whispers seeing the silver spreading through his veins. "No. No you can't" she presses her forehead to his. "I love you" she tells him and closes her eyes. She snaps them open and looks to him. "Trust me?" she asks him, he nods and collapses slightly into her, she holds him up, she's not going to loose him. Not now. "I love you" she tells him before turning his head and biting the junction between his neck and shoulder.

"Selene!" Steve yells running towards them, she releases Bucky and lays him down, she kneels at his side, waiting, Steve slows to a walk reaching them. "What happened? Tell me he's not....." he looks to Selene who looks up at him crying. "Selene" he whispers moving to her side.

"I tried....I tried" Steve nods and pulls her up.

"I know you did" he pulls her into a hug letting her cry, he strokes her back trying to comfort her.

"You better not be trying to steal my dame, punk" Selene and Steve both look to Bucky as he groans leaning up on his elbows. Selene launches herself at Bucky who catches her, pulling her hard to his chest.

"I thought I was too late" She whispers.

"Nah, you got me" Bucky assures her, she pulls back and touches his neck where her bite has healed. "Guessing you did something to me" he whispers, she nods. "So....I'm a hybrid now?" he asks. "Like half werewolf, half vampire" she shrugs.

"I think so.....I think so" she repeats softly. He kisses her.

"I love you too" he tells her, she smiles and looks down, he strokes her cheek and pulls her back to him.

"You okay?" Steve asks Bucky who nods.

"Yeah, I think so" he answers as Selene stands she helps him to his feet, he leans against her side. "Did you get them?" he asks.

"Yeah, yeah, we got most of them. Marius is in the containment unit" Steve answers, Selene looks to him. "We figured you two would....want to deal with him"

"Yeah" Bucky growls trying to stand up straight, he stumbles, Selene catches him, he groans.

"When you've recovered" Selene scolds him, he nods into her neck.


Selene sits on the floor outside of the containment room listening to Marius scream, Bucky'd wanted to go in there himself and she'd let him, this is his revenge, so she waits for him, there on the other side of the door as support. And she'd be lying if she says that she's not enjoying listening to the lycan scream in agony and then it stops, and it's silent, eerily silent, Selene turns her head slightly. The door opens and Bucky steps through.

"You all right?" she asks standing, Bucky hangs his head and nods a tiny bit. She touches his chest and then pulls him closer by his shirt, he drops his head to her shoulder. "He deserved it" she reminds him. "He hurt you, he changed you....he deserved everything you gave him" he wraps his arms around her. She threads her fingers into his hair and scratches, Bucky melts against her. "It's okay, I've got you" she tells him.

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