Chapter 9: Vampire Diaries

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Bucky settles in the gym whilst Steve, Selene, David and Fury talk of an alliance, Kahn and Natasha talk about weapon evolution.

"You were quiet" Bucky jumps and raises his gun shooting Selene, she looks down at her chest as Bucky's eyes widen. "Ow" she states.

"Oh my God, Selene" he drops his gun and moves to her, the bullet pushing itself out of her chest. "I'm so sorry"

"No, this was my fault....I snuck up on you, which I really shouldn't have done...." Bucky looks up from her chest wound, now healed.

"I still shouldn't have shot you..."

"Better it was me and no one else...right?" Bucky shoots her a look.

"Better no one..." he touches her corset, where a hole now sits. "Did he really kill your whole family? That Viktor guy?" he asks quietly.

"Yes...." she answers.

"I'm sorry..."

"It was a very very long time ago...." he nods.

"It doesn't matter how long ago it was, they were still your family.....and what he did..." Bucky clenches his metal fist, metal plates whirling. "'re a vampire?" she nods. "You don't have fangs" he points out, she smirks.

"They're not out..." she cocks her head. "Would you like to see them?" she asks, he nods. Selene's fangs lower and her eyes turn bright blue, Bucky stares at her.

"You're eyes....." he reaches up and touches her face. "I've seen them before...."


"Haven't I?" she pulls away and changes her eyes back to brown.

"Yes....." she answers moving to walk around the gym, Bucky watches her. "I found you after your fall....." she tells him. "Smelt all the blood...."

"Did you give me to them?" he asks through clenches teeth. "To the KGB?"

"No" she shakes her head. "Do you remember the year I told you Hydra got their hands on me?"

" was because of me you got caught" she shrugs.

"Not really.....I mean....." she sighs. "I dragged you off to this cave......tried to save your arm" she waves towards his metal one. "That's when they found us.....the sun was about to rise.....I couldn't run...but I fought....Oh did I fight...." he smiles a little. "It just wasn't enough....I'm sorry...I failed you"

", you didn' tried...that matters to me..." he moves towards her, she glances to him as he reaches her side. "You tried to save me..." she nods. "You tried..." she smiles a little.

"I'll...urm let you get back to the bag..." she motions to the punch bag as she moves away from him. "I also left some dvd's for you..." she glances over her shoulder at him and smirks. "Call if you have questions....."

"You could them with me" he offers following her with his eyes.

"I could.....but I've got to talk to my coven about this alliance....before the sun rises...." Bucky looks to his watch and then looks up, Selene is gone.

"Night then..." he mumbles and turns back to his punch bag.


"Okay, so....the vampires in vampire diaries can walk in the sun....but only with a special piece of jewellery?" Bucky asks Selene down the phone as he watches said show on the tv. She chuckles.


"Don't that work for you?" he asks grabbing the beer from the side. Sam and Steve had intended on staying up but once Bucky said he wanted to watch vampires they disappeared to bed, so he's watching them alone.

"" she tells him. Bucky drinks from his bottle before setting it aside. "If only" Bucky looks back to the tv.

"Alright......well what about the....vervain plant shit?" she chuckles again.

" that's not a thing...." Bucky frowns.

"Crucifixes?" Bucky asks.

"Decorative" Selene tells him, smirking.

"Holy water?"



"Myth......stop quoting the Vampire Diaries...." she teases. Bucky laughs.

"Hey, you quoted back" he teases. "You know this would be easier if you were here watching it with me"

"Maybe I am" Bucky snaps his head up, Selene stands in his doorway, she smirks and and hangs up.

"Hey" He greets hanging up himself. "I thought you were talking to your...coven"

"I figured David could do it.....whilst we binge watch tv" Bucky smirks at her and sits up on his bed, Selene closes the door behind her and sits beside him. "Which episode you on?" he smiles at her.

"History repeating" he tells her.

"Alright, keep going" he smirks and grabs the remote.

"You want something to eat....drink?" Selene smirks at him, her eyes turning blue and her fangs descending. "Ah jeez that is not what I meant!" he teases pushing her, trying to anyway. She laughs.

"You have to be more mindful around a vampire, Bucky" her fangs retreat and her eyes turn brown again.

"I'll keep that in mind" he nudges her, she smiles warmly at him as he looks back to the tv.

"You're doing well" she tells him, Bucky smiles looking down.

"You're helping..."

"That's what I was called for" she tells him back.

"No" Bucky shakes his head. "It's more than just....helping....just being around you"

"I am sure that's more you having Steve around...." Bucky shrugs

"Maybe, maybe not" he tells her, they both look to the tv, Bucky knows it's her....she is helping, just being around her is helping him, her presence alone makes him lighter, he feels more like the old him, the him before Hydra. He rests his hand at his side, pressing against hers, she's warm, considering she is suppose to be dead, soft, so very soft. Bucky wants to touch her more, he brushes his fingers against hers, she brushes hers back and smiles.


Selene groans and stretches before turning over only to be met with blue eyes. She smiles a little before it falters, it may be Bucky's body but right is the Winter Soldier staring back at her.

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