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I hummed lost in a thick fog of sleep. A hand brushed over my arm and a voice whispered.

"I was starting to think you'd never wake up."

Incoherent noises weaved their way past my lips whilst I curled tighter into myself. I wanted nothing more than to fall asleep again and dream of something nice.

"You don't have to get up, but I need to."

My response was to bury my face against his arm and mewl in protest. I just wanted to lay here in silence with Bellamy. I didn't want to wake up and I didn't want to think.

"A few things need to be sorted around camp. I'll come back shortly."

The space beside me grew cold, as Bellamy shuffled around, to my dismay. At one point I thought he'd already left, until I heard movement and felt a kiss placed on the back of my head. The momentary warmth over my back left with Bellamy, leaving me to curl back to sleep.

The next time I woke up, I flinched into a hard chest. My hand splayed out on hot skin feeling firm, scultped muscle, before I edged backward. Tresses of my hair twirled between us, as Bellamy messed with it.

"What are you doing?" My eyes flickered to his and realised he'd already been gazing at me.

"You were still asleep, when I came back. So, I thought I'd go back to sleep but I couldn't."

"So you were watching me?"

"No. That sounds weird. I've just been thinking..."

"And what have you been thinking about?" I cleared my throat and gave Bellamy my undivided attention. We seemed to be talking a lot lately and I quite liked it. To me, it meant I actually meant something to Bellamy, I wasn't some plaything.

"The grounders and our camp. The Ark. Octavia. . . You and last night."

Last night, I forgave Bellamy for being a class-A jerk. I also decided to try and let go of the fact he intended on leaving camp without saying anything. At least he came back and was honest about everything else, plus there were still things I hadn't told him.

Then, things got serious, begrudgingly on my part. I opened up and told Bellamy about my time in Lockup, he told me he looked up to me because he thought he was a monster. Bellamy was a jerk but he wasn't a monster, I was surprised he thought that. And I had been even more astonished hearing from the boy I had feelings for that I was a role model― how fucking bizarre.

"Me and last night?" I prompted.

"Yeah. Are you sure you forgive me?"

I could easily get over the fact he stopped talking to me for a while. It was him preparing to leave infront of me and him almost doing it that really felt like a kick in the gut and punch to the heart. Despite that awful sensation, I didn't want to be labelled immature again because of arguments over something that didn't end up happening.

"Mhmm. You're still forgiven."

"And, how did you feel after our talk? You seem to have slept better." Bellamy's thumb brushed under my eye and over my cheekbone.

"Are you implying I usually look awful?" I shot him a pointed look before breaking into a smile. "Because you're absolutely right."

"Eden." Bellamy's serious tone was undermined by the lazy smile on his face.

"Yes, I did sleep better."

"Good. I know before I said if you ever felt like taking those berries then you could talk to me. Now I want you to know you can talk to me whenever, especially if it helps you."

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